Christian Music Favorites

What do you think? Isn’t it time to have some fun? I would like to get and give some recommendations for great Christian songs. Please update my playlist of Christian music! Tell me your favorite songs and how they’ve touched your heart. You can either comment here on the comment section or on the Flowing Faith Facebook page. Here are some of my all-time favorites and the posts I’ve written of them. Check them out and be blessed!
No Longer Slaves by Melissa & Jonathan Helser
Beautiful Jesus by Melissa & Jonathan Helser
Speed of Light by Bruce Carroll
Remind me who I am by Jason Gray
Let us pray
Dear God,
Thank you for the Christian music and
all the people who diligently work to bless us through their music.
Help us to find ways to uplift each other.
Inspire, energize, lift out hearts to you through Christian music.
Bless each and every one of who reads this blog,
you know us and our needs.
May thy will happen in and through our lives.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Now it’s your turn! Tell us your favorite Christian songs and why you like them. Thanks so much. You’re making my vacation by updating my playlist!
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you seek Jesus!
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash.