Welcome to Flowing Faith! I’m so glad you stopped by! My name is Mari-Anna (Frangén) Stålnacke and I am a writer/speaker/teacher. I hold a Doctor of Theology degree in Religious Education from the University of Helsinki. I have taught at the university level in the United States (Concordia College, Moorhead, MN) and Finland (the University of Helsinki and the University of Jyväskylä). Last year, I was teaching theology (as a FELM missionary) at Mekane Yesus Seminary in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. I am open to going anywhere God is leading.

I write about things related to Christian spirituality, Christian living, spiritual formation, growing in faith, or what it is to be a follower of Christ in today’s world. I aim to encourage my fellow pilgrims on their journey of faith. If you are or want to be a follower of Christ, this blog is for you.

FLOWING FAITH is a blog for talking of God so that everyone might know the love of God, receive the grace of Christ, and live in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

“I said to the almond tree: ‘Speak to me of God’ and the almond tree blossomed.” (Nikos Kazantzakis, “The Fratricides”,1964) My calling is to blossom and bear fruit by talking of God so that everyone might know the love of God, receive the grace of Christ and live in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

You can also find Flowing Faith on Facebook. And don’t forget to check out Flowing Faith on Pinterest! [You’re also welcome to visit my blog in Finnish at mariannastalnacke.com]

Abundant blessings to you! I would love to hear from you!

33 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. Mari-Anna! Many blessings to you in this ministry of encouragement in which you are engaged; I know that I’ll be “visiting” with some frequency. Your brother in Christ, Bradn

  2. thank you so much for all the encouragement…every word really strikes to my heart…
    i pray that God will bless you more and your family. =)

  3. Hey Sister in Christ!

    I was delighted to find you amoung my tweets this morning.  Social Media is a new ministerial device for me–but, already I see the merits in your ministry. May God continue to bless us with your insightful and encouraging blog ministry, Flowing Faith. 
    I am teaching transition for women through Vision, Intuition, Relationships, Timing, Uniqueness and Energy! at


    . Check it out should time permit.  BE BLESSED MORE AND MORE!


    1. Hello Marlene!
      Very nice to meet you! Social Media is a great way to reach people for God. Thanks so much for your kind words. I will visit your website soon, too. Great to connect with you! Stay in touch! Abundant blessings!

  4. Mari-Anna ~ I was reading your about page and found it interesting that you taught at Concordia College in Moorhead Mn – I am originally from Minnesota and know exactly where the college is. I look forward to reading more of your posts. God’s riches blessings to you!

  5. Hi, Mari-Anna~ I found your blog through A Holy Experience. Thank you for encouraging me today. I am a Christian counselor in Florida and am interested in similar topics as you: spiritual formation, encouragement, Father/Son/Holy Spirit relationship, etc. Thank you for your website and many blessings to you.

  6. Greetings from Athens, Greece Mari-Anna! I am so blessed to have stopped by your wonderful and encouraging blog. What an awesome Father we have!!! God bless you!

  7. How about making the press this option available which allows others to share an excerpt of your article with a link?

  8. I really like that quote about blossoming and how you’ve related it to blooming for God… In fact that’s the theme of a message I’m giving in May. Blessings, new friend!

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