When You Are Weary, Crawl to Jesus

When You Are Weary, Crawl to Jesus

when weary, crawl to JesusWhen you are totally empty, just crawl to Jesus. It doesn’t matter you have nothing left to give, you are still most welcome to Jesus. God is way more interested in you than in what you can do for him. Actually, with less of you, there is more room for Jesus. So when you’re exhausted and weary, don’t hesitate, just crawl to Jesus. Know that you can always find rest in Jesus.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28, NLT)

Sometimes we do not turn to Jesus when we need him most. We might feel too low or we might not think God could help. When you’re down, it’s time to trust Jesus, not your feelings. Do not overanalyze things. Just turn to Jesus and you will be blessed. You see, especially when we are tired, the enemy wants us to believe that God doesn’t care or his grace is ineffective,at least, when it comes to us. But don’t let the enemy win. Do believe that Jesus still gives rest to weary. And just crawl to him. Go to him just as you are and know he will surround you with his grace and peace. Know that you will be blessed.

When You Are Weary, Crawl to Jesus

God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. (Matthew 5:3, AMP)

It is uncanny really how this happens, how our burdens are taken away. I don’t really even care how it happens, I just love that it does happen. When I am at the end of my rope and surrender all to Jesus, God’s peace surrounds me. Jesus meets us as we are and lifts our burdens away. Pure grace. Pure bliss. For all who are weary and carry heavy burdens. So don’t wait until your hardships pass but crawl to Jesus when you need him most. And you will be blessed.


Gracious God,
I come to you exhausted, weary, empty.
Thank you for welcoming me as I am.
I surrender to you, Lord.
Take my burdens away and
fill me with your spirit, your grace, and peace.
Thank you for lifting my spirits.
Be praised forever and ever.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Do you know you’re allowed to crawl to Jesus? Use this privilege! Do not try to carry your own burdens, dump them at the foot of the cross! Blessings upon blessings to you!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.


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