Obtaining Guidance

The most frustrating thing about God’s guidance is that it happens in God’s time and in God’s way. Of course, we understand it has to be that way. But how we would like to be able to receive it when we want it. If we want to do God’s will, why is it so difficult sometimes to know what to do next? Well, God’s ways are higher than ours for sure. And God values the process of obtaining guidance as valuable as guidance.
I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you. (Ps. 32:8, NRSV,*)
You see, the most important and the most amazing thing for human beings is to commune with God Almighty. It might sound crazy or unattainable but it’s not. The sweet spot for all his children is found in God’s presence. And that’s where also obtaining guidance happens.
You show me the path of life.
In your presence there is fullness of joy;
in your right hand are pleasures forevermore. (Ps.16:11, NRSV,*)
Obtaining guidance
Sometimes God answers our prayers quickly and that’s awesome. Other times we are told to wait. And that is very hard. But then there are times when we don’t get any answer yet we have to make a decision anyhow. What to do then? How to proceed when there’s no direct guidance?
If we have surrendered everything about the decision to God and there’s no clear guidance (f.e. closing or opening doors, peace or restlessness), we are free to make the choice ourselves.
Oftentimes I tell God I need to make this particular decision in two weeks. Unless God will tell me otherwise before that, I will then choose what seems the best to me.
Sometimes we need to choose the lesser evil. Other times we get to choose what we want most. But know that you can proceed if there’s no clear guidance. You don’t need to stay indefinitely on limbo if we are not told to wait. And then we just need to wait for God before proceeding. I know, it can be really hard but in the end, it will be worth it.
In the end, obtaining guidance is not that difficult even if it might feel so. The most important thing is to stay at Jesus’ feet. When we’re there, we will hear God’s voice. And we will proceed boldly because God is always with us.
Gracious God,
Thank you for desiring communication with us.
We surrender everything to you.
Guide us clearly, Lord.
Open our ears to hear and eyes to see what you’re doing in our lives.
Make us bold to share your goodness.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: How are you obtaining guidance?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you seek God and his goodness!
Photo by George Xistris on Unsplash.