Grow Strong in Faith

Grow Strong in Faith

grow strong in faithSometimes we think we should have strong faith right away. And that belief might cause some to shy away from faith altogether because they think they’re not cut out for faith. But faith is a gift from God, to begin with. And very few of us start out strong in faith. We slowly grow strong in faith. It’s a process empowered by the Holy Spirit and not about our own merits. Faith is based on grace from start to finish.

So here’s grace to you: you and your faith are just fine. Yet God is calling you to grow strong in faith. That’s what our heavenly father wants for his children: to mature in their faith. And this happens when we stick to Jesus and keep on believing, then the Holy Spirit strengthens our faith.  Even if it does not look like there’s any progress happening, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes and within you.

Abraham experienced this himself. He had received great promises from God [You will be the father of many nations (Gen. 17:4, NIV)] and it sure looked like nothing was happening. In some ways, it looked like the very opposite as Abraham and Sarah were aging childless. But during this very long waiting time, Abraham grew strong in faith.

But he did not doubt or waver in unbelief concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and empowered by faith, giving glory to God. (Romans 4:20)

Grow strong in faith

So it’s true. Spiritual growth is a process for all of us. How can I grow strong in faith, you ask. How can you become a powerful child of God like Abraham? Let’s see. It is all God’s work in you but, yes, there are things that you can do in order to facilitate the process. Obviously, spiritual growth doesn’t happen if you keep away from Jesus. We need to abide in Jesus, linger in his presence. That’s when the Holy Spirit works within us. Practicing spiritual disciplines also enhances our spiritual growth for the same reason. The more we spend time with Jesus, the more we grow in faith.

We also grow strong if faith when we put our faith into practice. Each morning you can decide whether you want to live believingly or doubtingly. If we choose doubt and misery all day long, our life sure becomes miserable. But if we choose faith we soon find out it really works and makes our lives blessed even in hard places.

When we learn that by looking at Jesus for help we can be encouraged, we start doing it. We ask God to fill us with his blessings. Because of Jesus, we can choose life over death, faith over doubt, light over darkness. When we choose Jesus, we choose all the good things he is: light, life, hope, peace, wisdom, love, energy, joy… We grow strong in faith when we learn to turn to Jesus for help. When we experience first hand how God transforms us by grace.

So the secret of spiritual growth is simple: Stick to Jesus and live your faith out. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open for God’s counsel and act upon it. All have been prepared. It is finished. Now it’s time to believe it and choose to be a child of faith every day, all day long.


Gracious God,
We believe, help our unbelief.
Fill our hearts and spirits with your empowering grace.
We say yes to you and all you have for us.
Release light, life, love into us.
Enable us to grow strong in faith,
make us all you created us to be.
Bless us to be blessings to those around us.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Do you want to grow strong in faith? What are your best spiritual growth tips?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you grow strong in faith!

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash.

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