God Loves Every Part of You!

God Loves Every Part of You!

We are children of God and God loves every one of us. God loves not just our Sunday best but every part of us. He doesn’t divide us into the loveable and the unlovable parts. He just loves us. It really does sound too good to be true. God’s love is astonishing but nonetheless true. He created us and loves what he created. There’s nothing he would not do for us. Just think of Calvary. If you ever doubt God’s love just think of the cross and the resurrection. God went all the way to be able to get you back in touch with him.

Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God’s Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us. By his Spirit he has stamped us with his eternal pledge—a sure beginning of what he is destined to complete. (2 Cor. 1: 20-22, MSG)

God’s nature is love. He doesn’t love us because of our goodness or badness but because of him. God is love. He loves us because he can’t help but love. God’s love is a gift. We are so blessed to be recipients of such love. God loves us completely and without reservations. God’s love also does not change. God loves us no matter what happens in our lives. God will always be there for us.

God loves us when we are in good mood and when we are in bad mood. God loves us when we go to church and when we don’t go. God loves us when we’re happy and when we are sad. God loves our soul and our body. God loves all of us. He doesn’t divide us to the loveable and the unlovable parts. God loves every part of us. We truly are special in God’s eyes. We are his handiwork. We are his children.

But God also loves us so much that he doesn’t leave us unchanged. God doesn’t give up on us. God is destined to restore us to wholeness in Christ. He will always be there for us showering us with his unending and powerful love. God is in the restoration business. Nothing brings him more joy than seeing us becoming – by the power of his love and grace – more and more Christ-like.

Let the Holy Spirit show you what God’s love really means. Receive the grandness of God’s love. Embrace it. Let God’s love sink deep in you. Let God’s restoring love change you into the best possible you. Just the way God created you to be! Rejoice! You are truly, specially, personally loved by God Almighty!


Gracious God,
Thank you.
Thank you for your astonishing love.
Thank you for loving us completely.
Finish the restoring work you’ve begun in us.
Show us how to be the messengers of your love.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Why is it difficult to believe God loves every part of you?

Photo courtesy of Marian Trinidad

2 thoughts on “God Loves Every Part of You!

    1. Dear Snyder, it really does NOT matter what others think! You are God’s
      beloved and that’s what matters! You are personally loved by God
      Almighty! Bask in His love! May you feel His love every single day of
      your life! Abundant blessings to you now and forever!

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