Wild Grace Blog Carnival Presents Grace Stories
Welcome to the first ever edition of WILD GRACE! God is good – all the time!
Wild Grace is a blog carnival that brings together followers of Christ around the globe to celebrate grace and the Giver of Grace. The purpose of the blog carnival is to share blessings & wild grace to encourage each other on our faith journeys.
The theme of this edition is “Grace Stories” and here are the entries that were sent in:
Douglas presents God Spoke Me Three Times posted at elijaha65.blogspot.com Read how he was healed!
Tom Gilson presents The Hole In My Mission posted at Thinking Christian, saying, “Responding to the very challenging book, *The Hole In Our Gospel* by Richard Stearns.”
Siobhan McGirr presents Be a Clean Mom With God posted at A Christian Mommy.
Morgan Schwartz presents Two Honk Morning posted at Omaha.net – Local Writing from the Heartland.
Andrew Hawkes presents hawkes – hfl – What’s Important? – What’s Important? posted at hawkes – hfl, saying, “I am a 22 yr old missionary. Weird eh? I guess not a missionary in the traditional sense of move away and live full time over seas. But raising my own support/traveling lots and sharing the love of Christ is my thing. God is oh so good. Hooking up churches with places all around the world – then leading the teams to make a huge impact in the lives of thousands. I just went to Haiti and am going again in May.”
Bible SEO presents Inspirational Bible Verses: Verse for Every Season posted at BibleSEO Blog, saying, “This article features collection of some of the inspirational bible verses. It offers encouraging and inspiring verses for various situations. “
Anthony Delgado presents Transparency, Hypocrocy – Removing the Wax posted at einquisitive.com
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of WILD GRACE using either our carnival submission form or emailing them directly to me to FlowingFaithBlog[at]gmail.com. The special theme for each carnival will be introduced on the first & the third Tuesday of the month. The due dates are on the 2nd and the 4th Tuesday of the month and the blog carnivals will be posted on the 2nd and the 4th Friday of the month.
Gracious God,
Be praised for being so amazing and loving us so very much. Be with each of us as we learn more about You and learn to live in your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Q4U: What is your own Grace Story? How has God touched you? Are there any certain themes around Wild Grace that you would like to see as a theme for Wild Grace Blog Carnival? Thank you for chiming in! Be blessed!
Living in the Presence of the Holy Spirit
Receiving the Grace of Christ – Amazing Race or Amazing Grace