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Tag: plans for the future

The Future with God

The Future with God

We have only a few days left of this year. How do you feel about it? It has been a tough year so saying goodbye is not a hardship, right? But we have no idea how the new year will turn out. So it’s a bit scary, am I right? But know nothing is scary with God. Without him, the future is scary. But the future with God is supreme. With God, I am ready for anything. You see, we…

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Goodbye to the Old and Hello to the New

Goodbye to the Old and Hello to the New

Are you ready to say goodbye to the old and hello to the New Year? There’s two Bible verses to help us deal with the change. The first one is very familiar and the second one little less so. But they help us to say goodbye to the old and hello to the new into our lives. First of all, we all mess up. No matter how hard we try we don’t quite succeed. The trick here is not to…

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