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Tag: live freely

This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

This is just a sweet, little note to encourage you in the middle of your hardships. Believe me, this too shall pass. It might not feel like it and even not look like it but it’s true. Even the Bible tells us so: Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever. (Isaiah 9:1, NLT,*) If we keep on seeking God and turning to him, this time of darkness will turn into light. This will not go…

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Fearless Living

Fearless Living

The fear of COVID-19 has made many people rethink their views on eternity and many are earnestly seeking spiritual well-being. They want boldness to live (and die) but they don’t know it does not come separate from grace and peace. Wanting boldness without faith is like putting the cart before the horse. Grace, peace, boldness belong together. Because together they equal fearless living. Positive thinking does not kick the fear of dying out of the picture but God’s grace does….

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Motivated by the Holy Spirit

Motivated by the Holy Spirit

What motivates you? Inner motivation beats outer motivation. So if you only do things because other people tell you so, your New Year resolutions won’t last. But if you really want change yourself, you have better chance to succeed. So it is in our spiritual life. It does matter what/who we are motivated by. Watchman Nee points out “Many saints cannot distinguish inspiration from emotion. Actually, these two can be defined readily. Emotion always enters from man’s outside, whereas inspiration originates…

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Come to Jesus who Is Gentle and Humble in Heart

Come to Jesus who Is Gentle and Humble in Heart

Are you stressed out, overwhelmed or burdened? I have good news for you. Jesus’ promise to give you rest is as valid today as it was 2000 years ago. No hooplas required. Just come to Jesus. He is already waiting for you. Come to Jesus … Jesus does not introduce a religious program for you to follow. Also, he does not want to burden you with more things to do. Instead, he invites you to come to him. Jesus wants…

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