Do Not Strive in Your Own Strength

I caught myself thinking that I shouldn’t ask God something for myself because so many people have bigger needs and the world is also completely messed up. I felt I had no right to ask for something small and mundane maybe even frivolous. Do you ever feel this way? This is our enemy’s subtle way of keeping us chained up. It’s like he’s whispering in our ears, “You don’t have a right to ask for it” or “There is not enough grace left for you”. Hence we keep on managing with our own strength even though we are weak. But I tell you, “Do not strive in your own strength”.
How come? Our enemy pleads to us to use our own strength because he wants us to stay away from the power of grace, God’s help, and his blessings so we would not be empowered to live happily as God’s children. Unfortunately, he is way too successful in discouraging believers. What do you think? We either give up grace because we feel undeserving or we give it up because we feel superior and keep managing with our own strength.
When I was sharing this with our Heavenly Father, I understood, that the grace and help I receive is not away from anyone else. We can boldly ask for anything we need. God is not lacking grace and as an all-powerful God, he can help everyone. He has plenty of grace for all of us and if we do not ask for grace for ourselves, it does not go to someone else, it is just left unused. And there is nothing as sad as abandoned grace in this world.
If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 4:11, NIV)
Do not strive in your own strength
We have all been called to live in God’s presence and serve him with our own lives. But we are not to do this in our own strength but with the strength God provides, not in our own strength. Hence we are not to try to manage without the power of grace and God’s help because we do not get far that way. When we ask for help, we get to experience God’s presence while praying. This connection to God is the epicenter of faith and happiness, there we can experience such peace and joy the world can’t ever provide.
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him.
(Lamentations 3:22-25, NIV)
So, my dear friend, do not strive in your own strength, don’t abandon grace. Instead, ask boldly for help, the help you receive is not away from anyone else. On the contrary, grace will empower you to serve you in a way that will bless everyone around you. Be bold to seek God and his help in everything you do. That way your divine influence will multiply. Then we both give and receive grace upon grace. Then eternity touches us here and now.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thanks and praise to you forever!
How amazing your help is!
Thank you for grace that will never run out and don’t need to stay away from it for any reason.
We surrender and ask for your help.
Guide us clearly and bless us dearly.
In Jesus’ name,
Do you hesitate to approach God with small matters? Are you afraid of using grace up? Do you know what, my friend, you are not capable of doing it or otherwise preventing God’s will from happening. So relax, rejoice in God’s love and grace, and live trusting God wants to hear whatever is in your heart. So go boldly into God’s arms to rest and be refilled by the divine power of grace. Afterward, you are ready to serve wherever he sends you! Be blessed, my friend!