Faith Gives You Strength, Peace, and Joy

Faith Gives You Strength, Peace, and Joy

Strength, peace, and joy. Written by Mari-Anna Stålnacke
Photo by Sebastian Pena Lambarri on Unsplash

When you walk with Jesus, you can’t hide your inner joy even though the world around you might not recognize the source of your strength, peace, and joy. If people are happy with superficial living, and just splashing on the surface, they will never find the treasures of deep grace diving. That’s a shame, don’t you think? Mainly because they can never find the pearl of deep-sea, Jesus.

If you keep my commands, you will live in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands, for I continually live nourished and empowered by his love. 11 My purpose for telling you these things is so that the joy that I experience will fill your hearts with overflowing gladness! (John 15:10-11, TPT)

So do not be satisfied with splashing on the surface. Dive deep in grace. There you can find the pearl of the deep-sea, Jesus. He is the well of grace who will sustain you every hour of your life. This well is free for all but so many still don’t accept its living water. That’s a shame because that living water, Jesus, gives you the strength, peace, and joy we are all looking for.

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:8-9, NIV)

Faith gives you strength, peace, and joy

So keep going, grow in grace, and drink deep from the well of grace. The jubilee party in heaven will be worth all the trouble here on earth. It will be amazing. Then we will all be elated. But, in Jesus, we can already be elated here and now. In fact, that’s how I feel when I think about God’s love and tender care for us.

You will show me the way of life,
    granting me the joy of your presence
    and the pleasures of living with you forever.

(Psalm 16:11, NLT)

I am elated because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross I am saved and I know where I am heading. Heaven, here I come! I am elated because the Holy Spirit equips me on my journey. Faith in Jesus gives me an inner joy, inner peace, and inner strength. Nothing compares to that. Nothing.

For all the gods of the nations are idols,
    but the Lord made the heavens.
27 Splendor and majesty are before him;
    strength and joy are in his dwelling place.

(1 Chronicles 16:26-27,NIV)

The world may have its busyness, its noise, its fame, and fortunes. When I have Jesus, I have everything I need. I am elated because of Jesus. So “gimme Jesus”, and I have all the strength, peace, and joy I ever need. And so do you.

Dear God,
We praise you for providing us with Jesus and grace upon grace.
Thank you for sustaining us on our journey to you.
We want to dive deep into your grace and find all the rich blessings you have for us.
Thank you for your tender loving care.
Be praised from everlasting to everlasting.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.


Isn’t God amazing? Truly amazing? He provides everything for us, including inner peace, strength, and joy. Let’s not be satisfied with splashing in the kiddy pool. Instead, let’s dive into the depths of the sea of grace. God wants to give us so much more of him. Believe me, it will be worth it. In fact, you will be elated. Blessings to you, my fellow pilgrim, as you take the dive of your life!

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