How to Face the Future with Joy and Positive Anticipation
Today, I want to share a few quotes about encouragement. When God has called you to do something, he will make it happen. It is not about your strength, power, and wisdom (or lack of them). It is about God and his abilities. Then we can face the future with joy and positive anticipation. It’s easier said than done, you say. Yeah, it might be so. Just remember to focus on God and you will thrive.
Amy Carmichael has said, “It is great to be faced with the impossible, for nothing is impossible if one is meant to do it. Wisdom will be given, and strength. When the Lord leads, He always strengthens.”
And I agree. It is great to work with God because then anything is possible, even impossible. When the Lord leads, he always provides what’s needed. So do not plan your future based on your abilities, plan it with God and let him show his big plans for you.
Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” (Mark 10:27, NLT) So embrace these words of Jesus for yourself. As far as you depend on yourself, things are impossible. But everything is possible with God. And that gives us joy and positive anticipation for the future, don’t you think?
Charles Stanley encourages us this way, “You may not understand how God is going to bring about what He’s promised you, but He is keeping every promise that He has ever made. He will never deceive you or disappoint you, and He will never change His mind about what He’s told you.”
How to face the future with joy and positive anticipation
When we make our plans with God, we can count on him to be faithful. We can’t see how God will make things happen but that’s not important. The fact that he will make things happen is what matters. And when we wait for God’s ways and timing, we can keep on praising him. Even when things might look they are going all wrong.
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. (Hebrews 10:23, NLT)
As Eric Liddell has said, “Circumstances may appear to wreck our lives and God’s plans, but God is not helpless among the ruins. God’s love is still working. He comes in and takes the calamity and uses it victoriously, working out His wonderful plan of love.”
God is more amazing than we can even hope for. This is my experience through my life’s ups and downs. No matter what, God is faithful and wants what’s the ultimate best for us. And that’s how I can face the future with joy and positive anticipation.
I might not have much (like the young boy with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes), but when I surrender and give the little I have to God, amazing things can happen. Not because I could do anything great but because God can do impossible things. He created a universe out of nothing. And he can recreate your universe from ruins, no matter how hard it is for you to believe. Just trust and surrender your all. And let God surprise you. It will be worth it.
Gracious God,
Thank you for loving us more than we can imagine,
knowing us more intimately than we dare to think,
and wanting to bless us more than we dare to believe.
We truly want to be yours so we surrender our everything to you.
Use us for your glory, recreate us the way you want, but also bless us as only you can.
In Jesus’s precious name,
Blessings to you, my friend. Do not be afraid, God is with you. Your tasks ahead of you might be downright scary, but your God is mightier than even you know. Trust him, he will see you through this. Wait for good because your God is good – all the time! So hang in there and take your first step in faith. You can face the future with joy and positive anticipation.