Desperate for God?

Are you desperate for God? Guess what? Good for you! When we are desperate for God, we are at the beginning of something good because all beautiful things start with surrendering to God. When we think we don’t need God, we get lost. But when we are desperate for God taking over our lives, we are on the right path.
I’m desperate, Lord! I throw myself upon you,
for you alone are my God!
My life, my every moment, my destiny—it’s all in your hands.
So I know you can deliver me
from those who persecute me relentlessly.
(Psalm 31:14-15, TPT)
Desperate for God?
So when (and not if) you ever feel desperate, seek God. Do so full of hope, expectantly. You are in a good place when you surrender everything to God. Anything can happen because God is mighty. And wait for good because God is good and wants what is best for you.
Whenever we remember to turn to God, we are safe and secure. Let God’s grace fill you with hope. All is well. It might not look like it but it is true nonetheless. God is with you and he will lead you to the future he is preparing for you. So there is nothing left for you to do but praise God. Rest in his grace. It is more powerful than you can imagine. So seek God, he wants to be found.
Gracious God,
We are desperate for you, we need you, we surrender to you.
Fill us with your Spirit, your grace, your peace.
Help us to always remember you are with us, for us, and in us.
Guide us, Lord.
May only your will happen in and through our lives.
Be praised forever and ever.
In Jesus’ name, we pray,
Be blessed, my dear friend. Do not be afraid, God is with you. Surrender everything to him and he will help you. Trust in him to do this and show it by starting to praise him when you still are in the dark. God is more than you can imagine. Blessings upon blessings!