Perfect Peace Is for Those Who Abide in Jesus

Inner peace is something we all want. Yet it seems to be the one thing that escapes us. The culture around us is an enemy of inner peace. How then can we have it? Perfect peace is for those who abide in Jesus.
You see, peace is a person, Jesus Christ. So peace does not come by performance but by surrender to God. When we abide in Jesus, we have perfect peace.
“You will keep in perfect and constant peace the one whose mind is steadfast [that is, committed and focused on You—in both inclination and character], Because he trusts and takes refuge in You [with hope and confident expectation]. (Isaiah 26:3, AMP)
So if you’re looking for inner peace, don’t look inside of you or don’t try to make it happen outwardly. Instead, embrace Jesus. Receive him in your heart and you will have peace in any circumstance. You might not believe this but it is true. The only thing you need to do is to stay in Jesus.
Perfect peace is…
The more worries you have, the more you need Jesus. You might think when life gets crazy you don’t have time to seek Christ. But believe me, the Bible is very wise to counsel us to seek first the kingdom of God, then everything else will be given to us.
God can’t give us inner peace without him, because there is no peace without Jesus. So let’s seek Jesus with everything we’ve got. Then, rest assured, you will have everything you need in Jesus. Perfect peace is for those who abide in Jesus.
You see, Jesus is more than we can imagine. He is more than worth waiting for. That’s why the season of Advent, the time when we prepare for the arrival of Jesus, is an important one. We want our hearts to be ready for Jesus to be born anew this Christmas. Because Jesus is our everything.
…for those who abide in Jesus
The more we realize Jesus is our peace, our joy, our hope, the readier we are for Jesus to take over our lives. And that only leads to more peace, more life, more love.
So if you are restless, stressed out, somehow out of sorts, come to Jesus. Trust him. Jesus has everything you need. Let him take care of you. How wonderful it is that we have divine help. Without God, we are lost. But with God, we can face anything. Because it’s no more about us. It’s about God and his power in and through us.
I’ve found that being fully committed and focused on Jesus, truly gives me inner peace. Not only are my mistakes and sins forgiven in Jesus, but also my present and future are secure in Jesus.
“Trust [confidently] in the Lord forever [He is your fortress, your shield, your banner],
For the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].
(Isaiah 26:4; AMP)
Nothing will come as surprise to God. So I can stop worrying and start living and loving as God has intended me to do. Why don’t you do the same? Cast your cares on Jesus…and repeat it as many times needed…but don’t give up your peace, joy, and hope. They’re yours to keep.
Dear God,
You are amazing yet you love us, imperfect people.
Thank you.
We surrender to you,
come and live in our hearts
and bring peace with you.
Let it permeate every square inch of us.
Bring all your gifts with you,
be our everything.
Bless us according to your plan for us.
Thank you for blessing us with more than we can imagine.
In Jesus’ name,
Isn’t God amazing?! He has prepared everything for us. We only need to receive his grace and let the Holy Spirit work in and through us. Inner peace is ours when we focus on Jesus. It is ours to keep, yet we might unknowingly give it away if we don’t pay attention. Perfect peace is for those who abide in Jesus. So let’s hold on to Jesus no matter what the life throws at us. Because Jesus is our peace, our joy, our hope. And our victory.
Be blessed, my friend. Jesus is your peace, embrace him!
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