Rest Is Holy
July is here and it is time to rest. Sometimes it is hard to let go or we might even feel guilty about vacationing. But guess what? Rest is holy. How do I know this? Actually, rest is the first thing in the Bible that God makes holy. See for yourself!
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. (Genesis 2:2-3, NIV)
If God rested, so should we. We were made into God’s image, so also we truly need rest. And God blessed and sanctified the sabbath. So rest is holy. It’s in our DNA if you will. If we do not rest, we will get out of synch with God and the creation.
Rest is holy
Hence we do have a strong backing to taking rest, not only weekly but yearly too. So I will do that too. I will take a four week sabbatical from blogging. I will be back around the 10th of August. Meanwhile, I will leave you with some links to some inspiring posts for you to explore and hopefully find some spiritual rest, hope, and joy through them.
Trust and rest in God
Resting in grace
When in need of restoration
Spiritual rest
Real rest
Five things I hope you know
Deeper into hope and joy
God gives hope upon hope
Endurance, encouragement, hope
13 reasons to hope always
Drink from the river of pure joy
Experience the joy of your faith
Enjoyment of God
Do not forget the joy of the Lord
Find the fullness of joy by being in God’s presence
And if any of them touch your heart, please, share them with your friends! We need to get the word out that there is no need to despair when we have Jesus!
Let us pray.
Dear God,
Thank you for showing us rest is holy.
Help us to rest and be renewed while we vacation.
We need it and we need you.
Bless us this summer the way only you can.
In Jesus’ name,
Be greatly blessed, my friend. God is with you and his plans for you are wonderful. When you rest, God is at work. So let go, and let God rearrange your life according to his plans.