Grace to Free You

Summer is here and everyone is supposed to chill out and enjoy life. But maybe you are not feeling it. Maybe something weighs you down. Life is confusing and complicated for sure. But I want to make sure you’re not burdened down with guilt or shame or sin. Because there is grace to free you from it all.
Maybe you know this in theory but you haven’t really embraced it. Or maybe you have misunderstood it. The Gospel is not to bring you down, it’s to lift you up. You see, the Gospel is meant to free us from the law of sin and death. The power of grace is limitless. It works even for you (no matter what you’ve done or whatever has happened to you).
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. (Romans 8:1-2, NLT)
Grace to Free You
So let grace set you free. Living in grace is the only way to not be confused and overwhelmed all the time. We need God but God is more than enough. And we need grace but there is plenty of it to go around. We need guidance but that’s why we have the Holy Spirit.
So leave your burdens, your confusion, your sin at the foot of the cross. Receive grace to free you from it all. And then go and live freely and boldly. Taste the summer, enjoy the gentle breeze. God is with you. And life with God is good.
Gracious God,
Thank you for not leaving us alone to deal with our lives.
We truly need you, save us, help us, guide us.
Pour out grace upon grace,
free us from the law of sin and death.
Help us to leave our burdens at the foot of the cross,
and dare to live freely as your children.
In Jesus’ name,
You are so loved, my friend. God loves you and wants to help you with everything. Nothing is impossible with God. So run to Jesus, let him take care of you. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and rearrange your life according to his will. You will not be short-changed. Blessings upon blessings!
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