How to Navigate Life When You Are Clueless

How to Navigate Life When You Are Clueless

how to navigate life when you are clueless

Navigating life is hard. We need to make thousands of little decisions with too little information. Yet those decisions slowly change the course of our life. What to do then? How to navigate life when you are clueless?

We do not want to settle for less than God’s will for us, right? You know that is the ultimate best thing for us. But how can we do that? How can we navigate life when we are clueless? We can get a little help from the Israelites. They were facing a huge army and they felt powerless. What did they do?

We don’t know what to do, and so we are looking to you for help. (2 Chronicles 20:12, NLT)

How to navigate life when you are clueless

Did you catch the clues? The first one was to admit you don’t know. Do not pretend otherwise, you don’t need to do that. God already knows you’re clueless (and he loves you anyway). It is okay not to know what to do. God’s possibilities start when our possibilities end.

The second clue is to look to God (and not your problems or your inabilities). Pray hard and wait for the answer. God will guide you. Just listen to him and keep your eyes open for his guidance. It will come.

Focusing on God is the way to live our life to the fullest. Then we do not settle for less than God’s best for us. We dare to wait when we don’t know what to do. Then we can see our cluelessness not as a threat to our existence but as an opportunity for God to guide us more clearly and for us to trust God more deeply.

Gracious God,
Thank you that not knowing is okay, help us to know that.
Help us to admit our cluelessness and ask for your help.
We lift our eyes to you.
Guide us clearly, Lord.
Show us the way.
Make us bold to follow you wherever you lead us.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: How do you navigate life when you are clueless?

Blessings to you, my dear fellow pilgrim, as you focus on God and let Him guide you!

* [As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses to so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.]

Some parts of this post have been refurbished. Linking up today with Dance with Jesus and Five-minute Friday. Photo by Fred Kearney on Unsplash.

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