Live Your Faith Out
Do you know how to live your faith out? This is not a trick question but it is a very basic question. If you believe in God, live it out. But how to do it? That is the question. How do we live out faith in the middle of rush hour or at work? Or when we are frightened or completely exhausted? How do you do it?
Jesus guides us this way: ‘Do not let your heart be troubled (afraid, cowardly). Believe [confidently] in God and trust in Him, [have faith, hold on to it, rely on it, keep going and] believe also in Me.’ (John 14:1, AMP)
Live your faith out
We live our faith out by trusting God even when things look really bad. Trusting God has to start anew every day. We need to make the decision to lean on God and not on our own understanding over and over again. If we believe in God, we need to act like it.
So, are you a Christian? Live your life like you really believe all the promises of the Bible and do not let your heart be troubled. Instead, give all that troubles you to Jesus. And do not take them back. Leave your burdens at the foot of the cross. Now it is time to trust God. Start with giving thanks and praising God for finding solutions to your problems. Lift your head and live your faith out. God will deliver. You can concentrate on being a carefree child of God.
This might sound too good to be true. But it isn’t. Faith works. Grace empowers. God delivers. Not necessarily the way we anticipate but God’s peace is always ours. Nothing can take it away from us. Hence it is always time to give thanks and praise. We are God’s beloveds. Hence all that is his is ours in Jesus.
Gracious God,
Help us to stop worrying
and start believing in you.
Enable us to trust you to keep your promises
and live as we believe.
Thank you for taking care of us.
Be praised forever and ever.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: How do you live your faith out?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you trust God with everything.
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash.