Leave Excuses Behind

Leave Excuses Behind

Leave excuses behind - flowingfaith.comWednesday night I was teaching a class about how faith can help us in tough times. While I was teaching I realized how much we really miss out if we keep on making excuses for why we are not getting to know God better. God can be everything we ever need and more. Yet, we prefer to struggle on our own. Why is that? It’s our loss for sure. But, also, living that way does not prepare us to heaven either. It’s time to leave excuses behind and really get to know God. Because God can be everything you need him to be for you. God can fill your every need if you let him show you who he is.

And now, children, stay with Christ. Live deeply in Christ. Then we’ll be ready for him when he appears, ready to receive him with open arms, with no cause for red-faced guilt or lame excuses when he arrives. (1 John 2:28, AMP,*)

Leave excuses behind

The only way to be ready for Jesus when he arrives is to live deeply in Christ. If you say you’re a friend of Jesus but don’t spend time with him, your life is a string of excuses. William Edwin Sangster has said, “How shall I feel at the judgment, if multitudes of missed opportunities pass before me in full review, and all my excuses prove to be disguises of my cowardice and pride?” Ouch. That’s not what I want. How about you?

It’s time to leave excuses behind, don’t you think? They are disguises of cowardice and pride anyway. It’s time to leave our excuses at the feet of the cross. Only God can create something beautiful out of them. One of the lies that keep us away from God is the belief that God is not all that we need. We think God is only for our spiritual needs. But we could not be more wrong.

God can be your everything

Why don’t we want to know who God really is? Sure, the idea can be overwhelming. But God loves us and wants to take care of us. His intentions are the very best, the Bible tells us so. God can be everything you need him to be for you. He can fill your every need if you let him.

We are invited to this amazing journey to God’s heart. There’s nothing better. Let’s not deny God this joy. And let’s not deny ourselves that joy. No more lame excuses. From here on out we will stay with Christ day in and day out and welcome God to show us who he really is. We will be amazed. So amazed.


Gracious God,
Forgive us our all our excuses for not spending time with you.
Show us your heart, teach us what it is like to be loved by you.
Thanks for being bigger and more awesome than we can ever imagine.
Help us to dare find out all you are.
Fill our needs, Lord.
Be our everything.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Are you ready to leave excuses behind and embrace God for all he is?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you open your heart for all who God is!

* [As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses toBiblegateway.com so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.].

Photo by Guilherme Stecanella on Unsplash. Linking up today with Dance with JesusFive-minute Friday.

8 thoughts on “Leave Excuses Behind

  1. Your Wednesday night teaching was absolutely great, I felt I was filled with joy and power when I left for home. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for this post. It is so very true that believers fail to enter in and give God what He really wants which is an unfettered relationship with you. I agree, we cannot deny God this joy! We have found in our journey that so much of where He leads us is to unveil our own heart so He can cleanse us. From there we can grow into maturity and fullness of relationship with Him! It takes faith and obedience though but I think we agree that He deserves it. Thank you!

    Homer Les

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your profound thoughts and experiences. Yes, God has so much more to offer to us, we just -sadly- never want to stop long enough to receive his gifts. And that’s our loss but it grieves him. May we all be more and more drawn to God. Getting to know him is more amazing than we can ever imagine. Abundant blessings to you on your faith journey!

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