Are You Marked by Joy?

Are You Marked by Joy?

Are you marked by joy?Are you marked by joy?

Is it evident in your life that Christ lives in you?
If he lives in you, your life should be brimming with joy.
Because God is joy.

God is indeed the source of joy. All joy comes from him. When we stick close to God, joy is present in our lives no matter how dark the world around is. When we dare to embrace the cross of Christ, we are filled with overflowing joy. And this joy does not depend on the outward circumstances. This is holy joy.

I have told you these things, that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy and gladness may be of full measure and complete and overflowing. (John 15:11, AMP)

Everything God does is marked by joy. When we are friends with Jesus, this joy permeates also our lives. This has been true for all the generations of Christians. Also, one of the standard qualifications for a Christian to be canonized as a saint at the Roman Catholic Church is the evidence of hilaritas (joyousness, cheerfulness, merriment, hilarity in Latin). This means that they had to be marked by joy, capable of laughing, always ready to celebrate, praise and worship. That’s what cheerful living is all about.

How about you? Are you marked by joy?
Is there enough evidence of joy in your life?
Maybe not enough to be canonized as a saint.
But hopefully enough to be defined as a Christian.


Gracious God,
Thank you for being such a delightful God.
Make us more like you!
Make our hearts glad and grateful!
Enable us to live cheerfully and
love extravagantly.
Pour out joy upon joy!
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Is your life brimming with joy?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you celebrate Life and the Giver of Life!

Image courtesy of Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Refurbished from 2012. Linking up with Unite the Bloggersphere and#tellhisstory.

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