Not Just Mercy, But Grace
Do you know the difference between grace and mercy? I was reading a prayer of Daniel and I was awed by the humbleness how he approached God. He realized we really don’t deserve anything from God. Yet he boldly approached God for appealing for his compassion. I was thinking that’s how we all should approach God: humbly yet boldly. It’s true we don’t have anything to offer God. But yet he is inviting us to come to him. It’s not about us but about God. And that’s why we dare to humbly ask for God’s mercy just like Daniel:
O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open Your eyes and look at our desolations and the city which is called by Your name; for we do not present our supplications before You for our own righteousness and justice, but for Your great mercy and loving-kindness. (Daniel 9:18, AMP)
We don’t deserve a hearing from God. We don’t have anything to offer him. Yet he hears us. We plea for mercy, but receive grace upon grace. That’s God’s love for you. He does not just grant us mercy, absolve our sins, and be done with us, but he gives us grace which is so much more. With the words of Max Lucado “Mercy gave the prodigal son a second chance. Grace gave him a feast.”
God gives us not just mercy, but grace.
Not just pardon, but blessings upon blessings.
Not just justification, but life upon life.
Because he is an awesome God.
Because he loves us more than we can ever know.
That’s why he gives us not just mercy, but grace. He cares for us and is ready to help us with every need we have.
Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it]. (Hewbrews 4:16, AMP)
Grace is life-giving. It’s wild and loving. It’s holy and delightful. It’s freeing and restoring. It’s uplifting and affirming. It’s everything we could ever hope for and more. All this is unmerited yet offered to us free through faith in Jesus.
How do we respond? Hopefully with praise and thanksgiving.
Gracious God,
I don’t deserve your love
or mercy
and definitively not your grace.
Yet you want to give me
not just mercy, but grace too.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Be praised forever and ever!
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Do you know the difference between grace and mercy? Does it change your view of God? Or the way you live?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you humbly but boldly approach God with all your needs!
Image courtesy of Wagner Daniel. Linking up today with Unite the Bloggersphere and #tellhisstory.
2 thoughts on “Not Just Mercy, But Grace”
I’m so thankful for God’s mercy AND grace! I need a lot of both!
Me too! Thanks, Elizabeth, for chiming in. Blessings upon blessings!