Encouragement for You {Give Away}

Encouragement for You {Give Away}

God is with you
It’s time for some encouragement, don’t you think? This will be a very short and sweet post today (due to the 3-hour power outage) but here’s the profound truth that keeps me going no matter what: “God is always with me and for me”. We can build our lives on God and his promises. So write this down, beloved of God:

God is always with you and for you.

This truth is valid for every single person on this planet. But today I am also offering to send an encouraging letter for one of you. And not just a regular snail mail letter either bevause this one will arrive in a bottle yet delivered into your mail box. Go figure!?!

If you are interested in receiving a special Flowing Faith encouragement letter, leave a comment below mentioning why you would particularly need this message. The winner will be announced next Friday, so make sure to check back. The winner then needs to send his/her snail mail address to me via email. This give away is open for any friend of Flowing Faith anywhere in the world in need of some special encouragement.

If you haven’t done already so, you might want to sign up for the Flowing Faith newsletter on the side bar. These newsletters come out very randomly and I am still searching the best way to serve you with newsletters (and your advice, requests and comments are very welcome).

I leave you with this verse from Isaiah. May it strengthen and empower you today.

    So don’t be afraid. I am here, with you;
        don’t be dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you, help you.
        I am here with My right hand to make right and to hold you up.
(Isaiah 41:10, VOICE)


Gracious God,
Bless each and everyone of the visitors of Flowing Faith.
You know them and love them.
Thank for loving each of them uniquely and without hesitation.
Pour out grace upon grace and love upon love.
Let each of them know that they are special in your eyes.
Uplift, Inspire, encourage them according to their needs.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: What is your encouragement sentence/verse?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you bask in God’s love!

* * The winner of the give away has been notified. Thank you all! God bless you richly! * *

Image courtesy of Carlos Gomes, design by Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Faith-filled Fridays, Five Minute Friday and Faith Jam.

12 thoughts on “Encouragement for You {Give Away}

  1. Mari-Anna, what an inspiring and wonderful idea! I love the idea of an encouraging letter/message mailed , in a bottle no less! So many verses minister to me, it’s hard to pick just one! I do like that Jesus promises to reveal himself to me in John 14:21. He is not hiding from me… and that He is always faithful, to keep His Word…that blesses me.

  2. Job 4:1-6
    [ Eliphaz Speaks Out ] [ Now You’re the One in Trouble ] Then Eliphaz from Teman spoke up: “Would you mind if I said something to you? Under the circumstances it’s hard to keep quiet. You yourself have done this plenty of times, spoken words that clarify, encouraged those who were about to quit. Your words have put stumbling people on their feet, put fresh hope in people about to collapse.
    I loved this post as my word from God this year is to ENCOURAGE.
    I would love a personal encouraging email to spur me on- and so appreciate today’s post- thank YOU and God BLESS.

  3. i am requesting a message of encouragement to be sent to my cousin, Lisa, who just found out an aggresive breast cancer she fought a couple of years ago, has since spread & developed in her neck & spine…she is a strong Christian & has been praying for healing & starts chemo/radiation this coming week…i have encouraged her that what ever presents, it IS His designed journey for what ever reason or purpose He’s allowing these events to occur, to Trust & Accept the journey & know & believe that at the other end, there will be her healing.
    TY, Mari~Anna, for encouraging many! <3Crystal (



  4. My young faith is growing stronger and stronger everyday and everyday the site teaches me alot about God that inspires me and just gets me all excites to love the Lord more and sharr His word with everyone i know. Thank you and though ive never really won anything except Gods love (not that i did anything for it),but id really love to get the letter of encouragement for myself and helping others through sharing it…though im tooo late…thanks and be blessed by Our father your fellow pilgrim:-)

    1. Hello, Benedict! I’m so glad to hear your faith is growing stronger and this blog has helped you along the way. I’m sorry this giveaway is old news but know that the whole Bible is a love letter for you from Our heavenly Father. All the promises are meant for you. So bask in his love and grace. God has made you for a purpose. He has a plan for you. Abundant blessings to you on your faith journey. Let me know if I can help you any way.

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