How to Reflect God’s Glory
I love how God talks to us through daily occurrences and divine coincidences. I usually read some chapters from both the Old and the New Testament but I am not right now using any specific reading plan (other than reading the Old Testament chronologically). Today I was reading from Ezekiel and Romans. You would think they have nothing to do with each other. But they both talked about people “who have eyes to see but do not see, who have ears to hear but do not hear” (Ezekiel 12:2 & Romans 11:8).
I had to ask “God, what do you want me to know about this? I want to see and hear you clearly. Guide me!” As a response I was directed to read this:
But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. (2 Cor. 3:16-18, NLT)
When we turn in repentance to the Lord, we can see (again). When we live in the Spirit,we are slowly being transformed into the image of God. When God is personally present in our lives, we are able to live fully. When we abide in the Holy Spirit, we shine, we glow, we reflect God’s glory to the world.
“Yes, Lord! That’s what I want. Show me how I could make sure the windows of my soul are not closed to you or to the things you want me to see? How could I increase shining? How could I reflect more of your glory?”
By basking in God’s presence.
By abiding in Christ.
By dwelling in the Holy Spirit.
Because it is God who is changing us from one degree of glory to another. Not us. But it happens when we are face-to-face with God. It happens when we are intertwined with Jesus. It happens when we give room for the Holy Spirit.
Sure, we are also called to participate in God’s work. We are called to wash our windows to enhance the reflection of God in our lives. We are called to embrace the grace of God as our method of operation. We are called to be so Spirit-saturated that our cup is overflowing. Yet all this is empowered by God’s grace.
Because we can’t make any window reflect anything in darkness. We can’t shine without light no matter how hard we try. We can’t see spiritual things without God opening our eyes. But in the moment we turn toward God, the veil is taken away and the shutters are opened. Whenever we live in the Spirit, we do reflect God’s glory. By God’s amazing grace.
Gracious God,
You are amazing.
You’ve done everything for us and
all you want from us
is love, trust, and obedience.
And those are empowered by your grace.
We are not worthy
but we thankfully receive your gifts.
Enable us to always see and hear your voice.
Help us to shine for you and
reflect your glory.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Have you washed the window of your soul lately? How do you reflect God’s glory?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you shine for Jesus!
Image courtesy of Brandon Johnson, design Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Faith-filled Fridays, Five Minute Friday and Faith Jam.
6 thoughts on “How to Reflect God’s Glory”
“it happens when we are face-to-face with God. It happens when we are intertwined with Jesus. It happens when we give room for the Holy Spirit.”
So much yes!
We are neighbors over at Lisa Jo’s today! Thanks for your sweet comment! This is really good… reflecting His glory! That is the goal, is it not? To shine Jesus wherever we go! Love this!
Great to meet you, Karrilee! And thank you for you kind words. Yes, reflecting His glory is the goal. God bless you!
I so appreciate your post today as I have been asking God what His glory in us, looks like. I am going to take some time to study what you have written- it is as if YOU have written the answer to my prayer.
May God bless you, as you have certainly blessed me, today.
Mary, New Zealand
How wonderful! Praise God! Thanks so much for sharing, it means a lot to me. May God bless you richly as you ponder on these matters! Sounds like God is moving in your neighborhood!
very thought provoking post. I want to reflect His glory everyday, but I fail. I am human and God is such a big, awesome God. He picks me up and polishes me so I can shine for Him. I really loved reading your post today. It brought home the most important point about reflecting God’s glory so we can point others to Christ.
Among the Pages
Thank you for joining in the conversation. I so appreciate your comment. I think as humans we do fail…but God’s light is stronger than we imagine. And, maybe, we are reflecting him best when we don’t notice it. Abundant blessings to you!