Layers of Trusting God

Layers of Trusting God

Layers of Trust in God

Faith is about putting our trust in God. For a long time I thought it was just about putting my salvation in the hands of God. But it’s about putting my whole life – everything in me- in God’s hands. That’s not just eternity, it’s everything.

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. (Romans 12:1, MSG)

I’ve realized it takes a lifetime to learn to trust God completely and in every area of my life. There are many layers of trusting God. I might trust God with my life but not lives of my children. I might trust God with my career but not with my money.

And this is not all: new layers show up all the time. My life and issues of trusting God today are different than what they were 10 years ago and they will be yet totally different in another decade. But all the time we are called to trust God with everything right where we are.

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight orunderstanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil. (Proverbs 3: 5-7, AMP)

If we are wise in our own eyes, we have hard time trusting God. The message we are sending God is that he is not sovereign and he does not know better than we do. Ouch. And then we wonder why God does not trust us more. We need to be faithful in everything we do. One layer after another.

If you have hard time trusting God, start small. Trust one layer at a time. The more we trust, the more natural trusting becomes. And keep discovering more and more of trusting God one layer at a time. Trusting God is a life long process, it rarely happens overnight. And blessedly we don’t have to do it on our own. The Holy Spirit is our guide and helper.

Stick with God and he will show you how to trust him completely.
Acknowledge God in everything you do and he will guide you.
Walk with God and he will keep you in his amazing grace.


Gracious God,
We love you and we adore you
and we want to trust you completely.
But it’s not that easy. Help us!
Teach us to trust you one layer at a time.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Do you have hard time trusting God with every area of your life? What has helped you to trust God completely?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you learn to trust God with all your heart, mind, and soul!

Image courtesy of Marsha Galyardt. Linking up today with Thought-Provoking Thursday 

12 thoughts on “Layers of Trusting God

  1. I needed to hear that reminder ~ that trusting God is a life long process….I am impatient
    with myself at times…I heard a quote about faith that I adjusted for myself….Faith is daring the soul to believe what the eyes cannot yet see….I hang on to that along with Hebrews 11:1 of course when stepping out in faith or when fear or worry tries to distract my focus. Great post~

  2. Linked up beside you in the Faith Jam this week….such truth and encouragement here, that trusting really does take a lifetime to figure out and our job, really, is to just keep working at it. And trust is a lot like a muscle–we have to use it again and again to strengthen it. Grace to you in your walk with Him, Friend.

  3. I’m struggling with trusting God. Everyone always says God will provide, and then they walk away, leaving me alone in my troubles…and God didn’t provide. No one did. I lost my health, my income, and my home. So I’m not sure how to reconcile the idea that God provides with the fact that He didn’t. I want to trust, but how?

    1. Thanks so much, Christy, for sharing your struggles. I appreciate your honesty and openness. I hear you. It can be very tough to wait and wait and wait on God and even then: nothing. At those moments I wonder if I had heard God’s guidance right. But hang in there, my friend, usually it is darkest right before the dawn. Your comment is so loaded with topics to discuss so I invite you to email me if you are interested in continuing this conversation. May God surround you with his abundant grace and bless your socks off soon and very soon!

  4. Over the last few years I’ve had to come to a place of complete surrender and dependance on God. Even though I do not understand His ways, I choose to believe that He is good and has my best interests at heart.

  5. so true, TY, Mari~Anna 🙂

    all of us beloved, dare to be faithful…w/every opportunity that arises. purpose to quiet All thoughts of doubt or dismay, purposfully trust HIm. His grace is available to carry us onward~ask Him to cover liberally, daily…wisdom in discerning, & understanding His way, & timing, does, & will come. He so longs for our attention & dependence…layer after layer it does get easier to practice, this truly is the Way & the Life….the pay off is greater than all riches this world offers. He has purposfully created & designed each one for this very moment, rejoice as His creation!

    as we live in an age of instant gratification, it is essential to tune out the world in many ways to ‘feel’ Him present…His help is here to equip us spiritually, ask daily to be filled, Holy Spirit, to guide…be diligent, do not dismay, down the road we really do see more clearly why He permitted/allowed certain things to happen, even as consequence of poor choice on our part, & @ times not, He redirects for our benefit…He really does <3 us, He really is w/us, most definitely…He knows our <3 & what is Best, knowing each ones need of revelation, in His time, as we journey w/Him…but it's up to us to seek Him first, then trust.

    remind urself often that u r a blood purchased child of GOD & remember the blessings from that, what we dwell in or speak of will further us, or keep us from. so take very special care to guard ur <3's & minds well, living in this very sin-driven world, in which the enemy will take every opportunity to operate to stumble, to try & keep us from recognizing our Father's riches….

    we <3 & serve an UnFailing, Faithful God…Praise Him often, despite the circumstance…it's thru our sufferings that we can testify & give glorify to His name~it is a privelege…He is the ONE who keeps Every promise He has written~so we may benefit!

    many abundant blessings to all~in all ways~may u find essential JOY in ur journey, keep seeking~it is here to be found @ every turn :)))

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