Weekend Prayer Wall {May 12-15}

Weekend Prayer Wall {May 12-15}

Time spent alone with God is not wasted.  It changes us; it changes our surroundings; and every Christian who would live the life that counts, and who would have power for service must take time to pray.~ M.E. Andross

There is no other activity in life so important as that of prayer. Every other activity depends upon prayer for its best efficiency. ~ M.E. Andross

It is not enough to begin to pray, nor to pray aright; nor is it enough to continue for a time to pray; but we must patiently, believingly, continue in  prayer until we obtain an answer.~George Müller

Prayer can never be in excess.~ C. H. Spurgeon
Offer prayers and petitions in the Spirit all the time. Stay alert by hanging in there and praying for all believers. (Eph. 6:18, CEB)

What should I do? I’ll pray in the Spirit, but I’ll pray with my mind too; I’ll sing a psalm in the Spirit, but I’ll sing the psalm with my mind too. (1 Cor. 14:15, CEB)

All for the glory of God
I want to love you, my God,
with all my heart, with all my being, with all my strength:
I consecrate to you my thoughts, desires, words and actions,
Whatever I have and whatever I can be.
Let me use what I have for your greater honor and glory according to your will.
(Anthony Mary Claret, 1807-70)

Guide me, O Lord, in all the changes and varieties of the world;
that in all things that shall happen,
I may have an evenness and tranquility of spirit;
that my soul may be wholly resigned to thy divinest will and pleasure,
never murmuring at thy gentle chastisements and fatherly correction.
(Jeremy Taylor, 1613-67)
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, let’s pray in Jesus’ name! Now it’s time for you to jump in with your prayers/prayer requests in the comment section (or link up your prayer post!). Let’s also pray for each other! Someone will pray for you/with you. (Because this is a global prayer wall, sometimes – due to the time differences – prayers are not instant. But know that God hears you 24/7! BLESSINGS!

Weekend Prayer Wall

Grab the code:

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<img src=”https://www.flowingfaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/prayerwall.jpg” alt=”Weekend Prayer Wall” width=”125″ height=”125″ /></a>

Do you want to win a copy of the Common English Bible softcover edition? Just leave a comment and mention that you’d like to win. The winners will be announced on Wednesdays! All these CEB give aways are possible because I am participating in the Common English Bible Blog tour from Ash Wednesday all the way to Pentecost. This means that I will mostly be using the Common English Bible (CEB) on my blog posts. Let’s check out this fresh new Bible translation!
Image courtesy of Zach Fonville.

One thought on “Weekend Prayer Wall {May 12-15}

  1. Dear God,
    I bring to you all the moms this weekend.
    You see all the struggles, hard work, and long hours.
    Touch them with your sustaining grace.
    I bring to you all the women who yearn to be moms.
    You see all the tears, hurts, and hard times.
    Touch them with your comforting grace.
    I bring to you all the people who have lost their moms.
    You see all the longing, emptiness, and loss.
    Touch them with your healing grace.
    Thank you for all the good things, Lord,
    for life, laughter, and families.
    Bless all of us according to our needs.
    In Jesus’ name,

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