The Night that Changed Everything
We are fast approaching the Holy Night. The night that changed everything. It’s true that whenever a baby is born, it changes the lives of the parents. But one baby changed the whole history and the future of the humankind. The Holy Night changed everything. The miracle of Christmas is earth-chattering. The wonder of Christmas is life-changing.
Then Mary said to the angel, “How will this happen since I haven’t had sexual relations with a man?” The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come over you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the one who is to be born will be holy. He will be called God’s Son. (Luke 1: 34-35, CEB, emphasis added)
This text uses the same words that were used when God created the world and when Moses and the apostles were empowered for their work. The same Holy Spirit that was part of creating the world is now part of creating Jesus. The same Holy Spirit that was part of preparing Moses and the apostles is now preparing Mary.
The Holy Night indeed changed the course of history. Before Jesus we did not have any hope for the future. But in Jesus God showed his amazing love towards us. In Jesus God provided us the way back to him. In Jesus God came to live among us. He moved into our neighborhood.
The Word became flesh
and made his home among us.
We have seen his glory,
glory like that of a father’s only son,
full of grace and truth.
(John 1; 14, CEB)
God’s salvation plan is holy, amazing, and majestic. It changed everything. It still changes everything. The same Holy Spirit that was part of creating the world and Jesus is now ready to change our lives. God is ready to move into our neighborhood. Jesus is ready to be born in our hearts. How do we respond?
How about “Come, Lord Jesus! Change everything according to your will!”?
Gracious God,
Come and change everything
according to your will.
We praise you and we adore you.
You are holy, holy, holy!
We praise you and we adore you.
Thank you for Jesus!
Thank you for finding us,
loving us, and saving us!
In Jesus’ precious name,
Q4U: How has Jesus changed your life?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you celebrate and welcome Jesus into your world this Christmas!
Image courtesy of Mitchell Karr . Linking up today with Brag on God Friday.
2 thoughts on “The Night that Changed Everything”
Indeed we still have a chance to make a space for Jesus in our hearts. It’s not too late to prepare that place that will welcome Him for the king He is! Jesus has definitely changed my life, my friends, my time, my work. If we give him our heart, our talents , our time, our loaves and fishes, he blesses it and “multiplies it”. A blessed Christmas to you and your
family! Patsy from HeARTworks
That’s right! It’s not too late to make a space for Jesus! Thank you, Patsy, for sharing! Abundant Christmas blessings to you, too!