Making Way for Thanksgiving: Repenting Causes of Ingratitude

Making Way for Thanksgiving: Repenting Causes of Ingratitude

These tough economic times are ample playground for coveting. It is easy to see what we would like to have instead of looking at (and being grateful of) what we have. Yet many people seriously think that they are sinless and hence not in need of God.

No coveting your neighbor’s wife. And no lusting for his house, field, servant, maid, ox, or donkey either—nothing that belongs to your neighbor! (Deut.5:21, MSG)

The funny paradox is that often by coveting something we hinder the exact thing from happening in our lives. God is ready to bless us but he wants us to obey him.
He wants us to be free of lust, greed, and fantasizing about what we don’t have.
He wants us to look for him for answers.
He wants us to focus on Him and not on what we don’t have.

The sin of coveting holds us hostage in our own lives. The only way out of this mess is the same way that gets us on with real living: JESUS.
Jesus is the only way from hostage to freedom.
Jesus is the only way from coveting to loving.
Jesus is the only way from grumbling to thanksgiving.

We need to repent all the causes of ingratitude in our lives.
We need to repent of the infesting attitudes that prevent us from celebrating the Giver of Life.
We need to repent of focusing on the things we don’t have.

Because God knows best what is good for us and when it is good for us.
Because coveting brings more and more unhappiness into our lives.
God is the answer for our needs – not the things we secretly covet.
God is the answer for our problems – not the things we secretly covet.
God is the answer to our yearnings – not the things we secretly covet.

Gracious God,
We come to you with broken hearts.
Please forgive us our coveting.
Please forgive us our ingratitude.
Please forgive us our selfishness.
We repent! Forgive us!We bring you our needs and desires.
Change us, renew us, equip us.
Restore in us the right spirit!
So we can thank you!
So we can praise you!
So we can adore you now and forever!
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: What is your cause of ingratitude?

Be blessed, fellow pilgrim! Deal with your causes of ingratitude! God is waiting!

Photo courtesy of Clint Doggett

4 thoughts on “Making Way for Thanksgiving: Repenting Causes of Ingratitude

  1. I like this "He wants us to look for him for answers.He wants us to focus on Him and not on what we don't have." Living in the American Dream society, it is easy to get swept away by "things I dont have but want." Keeping the cross central in our lives the way Paul did, is the only way to have a truly thankful heart during hard times. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Thank you, Kelli, for sharing your thoughts! You're right, the cross is the only way to have a truly thankful heart in the midst of hardships! Stay blessed! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. "We need to repent of the infesting attitudes that prevent us from celebrating the Giver of Life."

    Infesting attitudes… I like that phrase. I pray that God will reveal to me what attitudes are infesting my life and blocking the blessings of God.

    Thank you so much for sharing this post.

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