Doing Your Best Vs. Perfectionism
Sometimes I’ve been accused to be a perfectionist but I have refused to be one. My goal is to always do my best and that’s enough for me even when my best is only mediocre (or even less): It is okay not to be good at everything. I also try to be graceful to myself when do to the circumstances I am below my abilities in something that I am normally good at. When I am good at something I thrive to do my best even when it’s beyond “good enough” for others (and that’s why I am sometimes blamed to be a perfectionist). I always try to do my best in every task, in every situation. Why?
Because, we are told to do our best: Servants, do what you’re told by your earthly masters. And don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you’re serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work. (Col.3:22-25, MSG)
How about you? Are you a perfectionist? How do you deal with it?
Gracious God,
Thank you for gifting each of us differently.
Thank you for being graceful towards us even
when we don’t reach our potential or
when we can’t let go if the results are not perfect.
Teach us to live in your grace.
In Jesus’ name,
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim! I’d love to hear from you!
5 thoughts on “Doing Your Best Vs. Perfectionism”
I think I'm a perfectionist of not trying to be one, if that makes any sense! Although I live with serveral, my wife and daughter, it doesn't really rub off much. It may be that being an artistic type is the reason why but I'm not sure.
However, when it comes to loving my God and my family…that's something I long to get "perfect".
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your blog. It got me going this morning!I'm a recovering perfectionist and I've discovered most people don't much like that "p" word which can be defined as "trying too hard to make it just right." What I've learned (and written about in The Relief of Imperfection and It's a Wonderful (Imperfect) Life) is that there's a misconception floating around our homes, culture, churches, schools that "People, circumstances, projects and accomplishments have the ability to be perfect (just right) 24/7." When we believe this, then life, others, ourselves, our ministries and work become a continual disappointment. The rest-producing truth is: People, places and things don't have the ability to be constantly flawless here on this earth. Only God is perfect. And life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful and neither do our families, work, service, bodies, faith or dreams. Ahhhh.Relief. We can cease over-working, over-fixing, over-helping, over-committing. 🙂
Thank you so much for your comments and starting the discussion! I long to be perfect in love, too. Grace & peace!
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! "Recovering perfectionist" made me smile. Your books sound wonderful! Peace & joy!
Mari-Anna, I do agree with you. There is a difference between "trying too hard to make it all just right" and "Partnering with God for excellence." Although there may be several different facets to the differences between these two ways to approach life (and a few more gradations in between!) it seems that "trying too hard" is based on "doing" and partnership with God for excellence is based on being. Like Jay said, "Being" a loving husband and father and a lover of God. Thx for starting the conversation. 🙂
Thank you for getting what I was aiming for! There is indeed a difference! "Partnering with God for excellence" is exactly what I try to do.
Also, we are 'human beings' not 'human doings'. When we are 'doing' we are trying to prove our worth & stressing about it, when we are 'being' we let God work through us.
Thanks for your valuable input. Blessings!