Counting Internet Blessings – The Best of This Week
Today I will be sharing with you some of the links on the Internet that I have found interesting or that have blessed me this week. This is my way to count my Internet blessings and pass on to you the good I’ve encountered. I will be doing this every Saturday if this is something that readers will find useful. So, please, let me know if this is worth of doing.
Here are the best articles/blogs of this week:
The Most Spectacular Sin Ever Committed by John Piper
Scouts Honor in living Authentic Christian Lives
Freedom to Grow by Pamela Wells McClinton
Turning Every-Day Actions into Spiritual Rituals by Don Miller
Prepared by God by Wendy Blight
The Christian Moralist: spiritual formation is not simply moral formation by Pastor Paul
Opinion: Grace for Life-Changing Moments byDavid Wilkinson
Gracious God,
Thank you for these articles this week.
Bless the writers.
Bless the readers.
We give you thanks for life,
for internet,
for knowledge and wisdom.
Guide us as we surf the net.
Guide us to bless others.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: What articles/blogs have blessed you? I would love to get recommendations for the best of the week lists. You can send them to FlowingFaithBlog[at] Thank you in advance!
Also, don’t forget about the upcoming Wild Grace Blog Carnival!
Here are some posts that you might find worth of reading:
Knock, knock! Who’s there?
The Mission (Statement) of Jesus
In His Majestic Service
Embraced to Embrace
Be blessed and go & bless others!