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Tag: living hope

Live with Great Expectations

Live with Great Expectations

How on earth do I think we could still live with great expectations when the world is distressed for so many reasons? That is a million-dollar question, don’t you think? How can we live hope-filled lives when life as we know seems to be just a memory? Let’s find out the answer. Peter guides us this way: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through…

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Living Hope Lifts You Up

Living Hope Lifts You Up

Haven’t you heard? Christ is risen! And that changes everything. If Jesus had not risen, we would be still dead in our sin. If Jesus had not risen, we would still be without a chance for reconciliation with God. If Jesus had not risen, we would be without living hope. But because Jesus is risen, we have a living hope. Because Jesus is risen we can be made right with God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Because Jesus…

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