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Tag: Isaiah 9:1

Hope for People Who Walk in Darkness

Hope for People Who Walk in Darkness

November is a hard month in the northern hemisphere. As days are getting shorter and shorter, it seems our moods are getting darker and darker. It feels like all the weight in the world is on our very own weak shoulders. Will this last forever or is there a way forward? We are in desperate need of hope. Is there any left? Actually, my friend, there is plenty of hope for people who walk in darkness. Nevertheless, that time of…

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This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

This is just a sweet, little note to encourage you in the middle of your hardships. Believe me, this too shall pass. It might not feel like it and even not look like it but it’s true. Even the Bible tells us so: Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever. (Isaiah 9:1, NLT,*) If we keep on seeking God and turning to him, this time of darkness will turn into light. This will not go…

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