Faith Is a Fulfilling Way of Life

Very often I am asked how to live faith out in everyday life. It’s a great question, don’t you think? If you do know how to live faith out, faith is not just great theology, it’s a fulfilling way of life. And that’s what we all want, right?
I’ve always thought the answer to this question is somewhat hard to explain but then I read from Ephesians how Paul explains it in two verses:
In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [draw your strength from Him and be empowered through your union with Him] and in the power of His [boundless] might. 11 Put on the full armor of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armor of a heavily-armed soldier], so that you may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil. (Eph. 6:10-11, AMP)
Faith is a fulfilling way of life…
Here’s how I see Paul explain how to live out faith:
- Draw you strength from God and be empowered through your union with Him. We are not to live on our own and by our own strength. Instead, we are to live with God and by his strength. Grace is God’s power for us. We should not be too proud to accept it. Instead, we should revel in it and enjoy our life with God. When we abide in Jesus, we are supernaturally infused with strength. So union with Jesus is the way to fullfilling life of faith.
- Put on the full armor of God and be equipped to victorious living. We can’t do it but God can and he has provided everything we need to successfully deal with anything life or devil throws at us. So what does this mean in our lives?
…because God provides all we need
Often we think that the armor of God is just spiritual talk. But it is meant for us to use every day. Simply put, it’s just believing all the promises of God and aligning your life according to them. The promises and blessings of God are real and his power that flows through us is mighty. We just need to put them into practice and that’s what putting on the full armor of God means.
So every morning, remind yourself and believe all that Jesus has done and then live as you believe. It will change your life when you live as a beloved daughter or son of God. Let the gospel affect every area of your life and let God’s power move in and through you.
As you put your whole trust in God, you put on the full armor of God. This leads you to a fulfilling way of life. Because you know your value, purpose, and destination. And you know God cares, empowers, protects, and provides everything you need. So do not live a day without reminding yourself of what God has done for you. It will give a spring to your step.
Dear God,
Forgive us for forgetting even for a moment what you’ve done for us.
Help us to remember all the blessings and promises you’ve given us.
Let your Spirit flow in and through us, strengthening us to live as your beloved children.
Show us how to enjoy our lives in union with you.
Bless us and make us fruitful for you.
In Jesus’ precious name,
Aren’t we tremendously blessed? Every single blessing and promise in the Bible are ours in Jesus. Let’s believe and receive and live them. Talk about a fulfilling way of life! I love it and I want everyone to embrace it too. There’s nothing better than that. Be blessed, my dear friend, as you learn to live faith out every single day!
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