Accepting God’s Will

Is it easy for you to accept God’s will for you? I think we all struggle with it from time to time. Even Jesus prayed hard at Gethsemane. But he knew better than insist to have his own way. So maybe also we should learn to see accepting God’s will as the ultimate best for us even when we want the very opposite.
“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” (Luke 22:42, NLT)
Oftentimes, we receive exactly what we want as soon as we have surrendered it to God. But sometimes we don’t and that’s why we tend to cling to our idols to the last minute. (Like we would know what’s best for us, our perspective is so limited, especially compared to God Almighty’s.)
C.S. Lewis has said, “There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, ‘All right, then, have it your way.” I don’t want to do it my way, I want to do it God’s way. How about you?
Accepting God’s will
Sometimes life brings hard things: covid, cancer, or some other cross to bear. We would gladly pass the cup for sure. Yet the purpose of life is not to have as much fun and as long as possible but to get as close to Jesus as possible. Because he has the words of eternal life. We don’t have anywhere else to go. But Jesus is more than enough.
Accepting God’s will does not mean we do not fight. It just means we do not fight against God but with him. It means we fight with joy. With peace and purpose. And with the power of God (not by our own power).
When we fight with God, we are blessed even in the midst of that fight. Just knowing we are in God’s good hands, is freeing. The best way to control chaos is by surrendering control to God. Whether we lose or win, we are blessed beyond belief. Because we are with God and he is for us. Right then and there and forevermore.
Dear God,
Forgive us for wanting our way no matter what.
We should know better.
Enable us to let go and let you guide us.
We surrender to you and welcome your will wherever you lead us.
Just do not leave us.
Empower us to fight with joy, peace and purpose.
Make us all that you want us to be.
Use us to bless others and for your glory.
In Jesus’ name,
Is it hard for you to accept God’s will for you? What has helped you to surrender to God? The more I have become aware of God’s amazing salvation plan, the easier it is to trust him with my life too. This world is not all there is, we are on our way to the most amazing place where there is no more pain, tears or sadness. I am ready for it and I want to fight to get there. And I want you with me. So fight the good fight of faith, my friend. It is worth it. You will not regret it and you will be beyond blessed.