You Are Secure in Jesus

Are you insecure? Do you feel that everyone else has got it together but you don’t`? Don’t worry. Mary DeMuth exposes ten lies and shares ten truths in her latest book Stop Living Small: Ten Truths Toward Your Significant Life. This post will tackle the fifth lie which is “Insecurity will always define you” by reminding you that as a child of God it is God who defines you. You are secure in Jesus.
Mary DeMuth points out, “The world does a bang-up job reinforcing this to us, belittling our bodies, shaming our age, diminishing our successes, showing us that we’ll never measure up to an impossible yardstick. We tend to elevate others’ security and amplify our own insecurity, when, in truth, we’re all insecure. The only true secure one is Jesus.”
As for God, his way is perfect:
The Lord’s word is flawless;
he shields all who take refuge in him.
For who is God besides the Lord?
And who is the Rock except our God?
It is God who arms me with strength
and keeps my way secure.
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
he causes me to stand on the heights.
(Psalm 18:30-33, NIV)
You Are Secure in Jesus
Yes, you are secure in Jesus. If your security is in anything else, it can be taken from you. But when you security is in Jesus, you are always safe and sound no matter what. And if you let God define you, your value is priceless, no matter what others say. And the shelter of God’s wings is always waiting for you.
Mary DeMuth outlines eight truths to help you to find your security in Jesus (and I have linked my previous posts to them so you can read more on the subject):
1) God wants to remedy your identity.
2) God’s love for you is a bedrock truth.
3) God defines your security, and criticism from others can’t shake it.
4) Satan hates free Christians.
5) God sees when others misunderstand your heart.
6) You are never alone when you feel lonely.
7) Security is based on the bigness of God, not the smallness of you.
8) Security depends on attachment.
Faith is such a huge gift for us. Sure, it brings salvation which is indeed priceless. But it also brings us security, assurance, confidence, and anything else we need. God has not left us alone to deal with our present circumstances or the future predicaments. He is right with us, equipping us to live our lives to the fullest. So let’s turn to him and ask for help when needed. We are more than welcome.
Dear God,
Thank you for always being there for us and not leaving us to tend to ourselves.
We truly need you, not only to save us but also empower us for victorious living.
Help us to walk in freedom and find our security in you.
Bless us according to your loving plan for each of us.
Thank you for your lovingkindness.
In Jesus’ name,
Our God is an awesome God! It doesn’t matter how weak or small we are, he loves us anyway. And he provides us what we need. So let’s turn to Jesus and receive all he has for each of us. Because, my friends, you are secure in Jesus. Now and forever. Be richly blessed on your faith journey!