A Deeper Connection with God

Lately, I’ve been reading about Moses. He was an imperfect man (like we all are) yet what a life and what a journey he had. And what a faith! I would like to have that kind of connection with God, you know. That’s why I am continually hoping and praying for a deeper connection with God. Do you know it is possible for each of us because Jesus cleared the way back to God?
Today I read (Exodus 4) about how God equipped Moses to go to the Israelites to start the journey out of Egypt. God used an everyday object of a shepherd, a staff, to perform miracles and bring out the message of God to the people.
Surprisingly, I found myself yearning for something tangible like Moses’ staff in my life. So I uttered a prayer that was answered right away. The Bible is our power tool. We are truly blessed to have God’s Word to guide us and empower us. Now we just need to live in it so it can live in us.
A deeper connection with God…
When the Word of God lives in us, we have a deeper connection with God. Then we are not superficial Christians because we live and breathe God and that changes us in the long run. The less of us and the more of God is a recipe for bliss.
[I always pray] that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation [that gives you a deep and personal and intimate insight] into the true knowledge of Him [for we know the Father through the Son]. (Eph. 1:17, AMP,*)
Yet a deeper connection with God is not reserved for some ultra-special people. It is meant for everyone. Jesus died for the whole world so everyone could be made right with God and receive peace and continually live in it.
…is possible for all of us
While we continually live in God’s grace and peace, our connection with God deepens every day. Every uttered prayer strengthens that connection and every storm endured with Jesus deepens that bond. Because of Jesus, a deeper connection with God is within our reach.
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him. (Col. 2:6, NIV,*)
There’s so much more of God to know and there’s so much more God wants to know about us. That’s why we are to live in fellowship with Jesus. Share our morning tea/coffee with him, go for long walks, and share the good, the bad, and the ugly of our daily lives. This sharing deepens our connection with God. That’s what we want, right? So let’s pray for it!
Gracious God,
You’ve given us a longing for you.
Show us how we can arrange our daily lives to have a deeper connection with you.
Let the Holy Spirit open your Word for us in a new way.
Guide our thoughts while reading it,
speak to our hearts, Lord.
Show us how to listen to you in the midst of everyday chaos.
Enable us to share with you our everything,
also our struggles and sorrows.
Let us feel your presence, Lord.
Help us to grow closer to you.
In Jesus’ precious name,
Q4U: Do you yearn for a deeper connection with God? Good for you! God is delighted to answer these kinds of prayers. Wait for good because God is good.
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you live in fellowship with Jesus!
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash.