Fixer-Upper Goes to Heaven
Do you live your life from an eternal perspective? I highly recommend it. Because it changes everything. It gets met pondering on the eternal value of things and letting go of things that do not have eternal value and doing more of things that will last forever. Today I want to talk about a new way of looking at heaven and eternity I got while discussing John 14 online with my Bible study group. In the vision, fixer-upper goes to heaven.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. (John 14:1-3, NIV,*)
We are all fixer-uppers, in dire need of repairs, right? Blessedly, we don’t need to fix ourselves up in order to get to heaven. Fixer-upper goes to heaven by grace and Jesus himself has promised to fix a place for us.
When we get to heaven, we will find out he has made a complete renovation for us and our place will take our breath away. Just like it happens in these reality tv shows when the owners come back to see the renovation results. Jesus’ renovation is even better, he has created a place for us that suits us perfectly, all our dreams are coming together there.
Fixer-upper goes to heaven
So none of the believers are homeless even if they were that here on earth. God is calling us home, not to a generic hotel room. He is inviting us into his home where we can rest, rejoice, and reside for eternity.
Our place won’t be a fixer-upper anymore and we won’t be renting either. We will be owning our own dwelling place in our Father’s house. It is waiting for us with our name on it.
So it does pay off to live from the eternal perspective so we won’t lose our sight of heaven. Because this earthly life goes by fast but afterlife lasts forever.
I am excited about going home and I can’t wait to see how perfect my fixer-upper is turning out to be. How about you? Let’s together turn back to Jesus and keep on keeping on on our way home. It will be better than we can imagine.
Gracious God,
You’re so good to us, thank you so much.
Thank you for calling us home to you and providing us everything to make it there.
How wonderful that you’re fixing a place there for each of us.
Thanks for caring for us so much that you’re personalizing it for each of us.
Keep on fixing us here on earth too, make us more like you.
Help us to live from the eternal perspective so we can keep fighting the good fight.
Bless us, Lord, according to your plans for each of us.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: How do you feel about getting your own dream-come-true dwelling place in your Father’s house?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, on your way home to God!
Linking up today with Five-minute Friday. Photo by Joe Collins on Unsplash.