Help for Our Misery
Would you like to escape your situation, your pain? It’d be nice, wouldn’t it? But that’s not how life works. Yet the plea is universal. King David wished the same when he was troubled. How could we find help for our misery?
“Oh, that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and be at rest.
“I would wander far away,
I would lodge in the [peace of the] wilderness. Selah.
“I would hurry to my refuge [my tranquil shelter far away]
From the stormy wind and from the tempest.” (Ps. 55:6-8, AMP)
We all have tried all kinds of things to soothe our pain, fix our situation. But there aren’t any quick fixes and self-help does not work in the long run. We need something better than our own attempts to escape our situation. The realization that we need outside help for our misery helps us to move in the right direction.
Help for our misery
King David found his source of comfort and peace.
As for me, I shall call upon God,
And the Lord will save me.
Evening and morning and at noon I will complain and murmur,
And He will hear my voice.
(Ps. 55:16-17, AMP).
And he recommends it to us too:
Cast your burden on the Lord [release it]
and He will sustain and uphold you;
He will never allow the righteous
to be shaken (slip, fall, fail).
(Ps. 55:22, AMP).
King David was a man after God’s own heart. Maybe we should listen and do as he did: keep on turning to God to get help for our misery, whatever kind of misery it is.
So let’s not forget God does help us. He will hear our voice, he will sustain and uphold us. Because he is our help for misery. We can count on that. The power of his grace is greater than we can imagine.
Gracious God,
We call upon you because self-help is no help,
only you can help us.
So we surrender to you and
ask you to forgive us, save us, heal us.
Comfort, sustain and uphold us.
Make us people after your own heart.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Would you like to escape your situation, your pain? How do you find help for your misery?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you turn to God for help!
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash.