Spiritual Transaction

Spiritual Transaction

Spiritual transaction

Are you spiritually tuned to God? Or are you one of those Christians who live under their privileges as God’s children? I hope you claim all the blessings meant for children of God. Because only that way you can live as you are meant to live. When spiritual transaction is part of your everyday living, you are well empowered for victorious living.

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. (Jeremiah 33:3, ESV,*)

You see, spiritual transaction is prayer in its full glory. As Charles Spurgeon has said “True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that – it is spiritual transaction with the Creator of Heaven and Earth.”

Spiritual transaction

Spiritual transaction is not just reciting prayers or pouring out your list of needs. Instead, it is communing with God. And there’s nothing more special in this world. Spiritual transaction doesn’t even need words, only spiritually tuned hearts.

O my son, give me your heart.
    May your eyes take delight in following my ways.

(Proverbs 23:26, NLT,*)

Yes, God wants to have our hearts. That’s all. And that’s why we don’t have to try to bring him things we don’t have. He just wants our surrendered hearts. Because that’s the most precious thing in us.

When we come to God and surrender to him, we are always, without exception, received with open arms. And in this state of surrender, we are tuned to God and receive his blessings. Then we are empowered for anything God sends us to do. So do not forsake spiritual transaction. It’s your lifeline for Spirit-filled living.

Gracious God,
Thank you for inviting us into spiritual transaction
where you give us yourself.
Draw us into continual communion with your Spirit.
We surrender to you,
empower us to live according to your ways.
Fill us with your Spirit,
bless us with your presence.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Do you commune with God?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you abide in the Holy Spirit!

*[As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses to Biblegateway.com so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.]

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash.Linking up today with Dance with Jesus and Five-minute Friday.

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