Blessings of Foot Washing

As Maundy Thursday approaches I’ve been pondering on blessings of foot washing. Why did Jesus wash his disciples’ feet (John 13:1-17) and how would I react to it? Would I be like Peter? First not wanting to allow Jesus to do what he wanted to do and then wanting him to wash more than necessary? I’ve always related to Peter very easily so I assume I’d be like him.
Have you ever had your feet (or hands) washed as part of the Maundy Thursday commemoration? It is powerful to be served that humbly. And when you think of Jesus doing it…it’s even more humbling and so very touching.
The question that has been dwelling in my heart is this: what is Jesus washing away? What does fall away as he gently rubs my feet? What needs to be forgiven, washed away?
Our sin for sure. But it can also be a chip on our shoulder. Or sorrow. How about unnecessary guilt or shame? Or pride? What needs to go?
Blessings of foot washing
Or, maybe even more excitingly, what does Jesus discover under all the grime? Hopefully ‘the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation’ (Isaiah 54:7, NIV)?
You know, we are told to do as Jesus did, wash others feet. Maybe it means to help each other get rid of any unnecessary baggage in order to make it home to God.
We are to love and serve, to bring good news, proclaim peace and salvation. And that does not happen if we do not let Jesus wash our feet first.
Only when we have first been touched by perfect love can we share it with others. Blessedly that love is waiting for us to let Jesus wash our feet. And we do let him, don’t we? We let him wash away all that needs to go so that we can live, love and lead others to Jesus.
Gracious God,
Your perfect love touches the core in us.
Wash away all our sins and anything else that hinders us from being all that you’ve created us to be.
Make our feet beautiful for your service
and make us bold to proclaim the gospel.
In Jesus’ precious name,
Q4U: How do you feel about foot washing? What will fall away when Jesus washes your feet?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you let Jesus make your feet beautiful to proclaim peace, bring good tidings, and proclaim salvation!
Photo courtesy of Laura Merchant/