Dialog with God

Dialog with God

Dialogue with GodPrayer is a dialog with God. Or that’s how it is meant to be. But in reality, too often we just spill out what’s on our heart and then run off before God has a chance to respond. So prayer becomes a monologue instead. But even just as a monologue prayer is important and powerful but as a dialogue, it becomes life-changing and empowering. How can we then dialogue with God?

Having a dialogue with God is simple but prayer is not its only form. Prayer becomes a dialogue when we don’t do all the talking but instead allow God to speak what’s on his heart. At its best, prayer is heart-to-heart talk. When our spirit meets God’s Spirit we connect in a special way and then often even words become unnecessary. How to get to this point? As the Bible tells us we are spirit, soul, and body. We need to learn to quiet our soul (head) and let our spirit (heart) do the talking and listening. When we get this heart-to-heart connection just sitting in God’s presence is a huge blessing.

Dialog with God

I would also encourage you to dialogue with God while reading Scriptures. How does that happen, you ask. First of all, start asking the Holy Spirit to open the Word of God for you. When you read it prayerfully, it becomes the living Word of God who then addresses us, guides us, speaks to you. Second of all, allow the Holy Spirit to read you and your heart while you’re reading the Bible.

By your words I can see where I’m going;
    they throw a beam of light on my dark path.
I’ve committed myself and I’ll never turn back
    from living by your righteous order.
Everything’s falling apart on me, God;
put me together again with your Word.
(Psalm 119:105-107, MSG)

At its best, reading Scriptures is also a dialogue with God. The Bible is the living Word of God and enables our dialogue with God deepened. You can tell God what you don’t understand, what makes your heart giddy and what makes your heart cry. Wait for the Holy Spirit to respond to your comments. Sometimes it’s instant, sometimes you get your answer much later. Nonetheless, God’s Word works within us.

…and be changed

Having this kind of conversations with God does change us along the way. God is making us more Christ-like. And in the process, we get to know God and his heart better. We are called to live our lives with God. And having a continual conversation with God is a big part of that and makes our lives rich and meaningful from here to eternity.


Gracious God,
Thank you for inviting us into a close relationship with you.
It’s an honor.
Please do show us how to dialogue with you.
Embolden us to tell you about things that matter to us
and enable us to listen to what you have to say to us.
Read us, guide us, bless us.
Show us your heart,
fill us with your Spirit.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Do you dialogue with God? What does help you to do it?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you converse with God.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash.

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