Empowered Living

Empowered Living

Empowered LivingI love to read the Bible but once in a while I have days that it does not happen. Yesterday, I was already outside heading to the car before I remembered I hadn’t read any Word of God that morning. Yes, we are busy but we can’t be that busy. So I marched back in to get my Bible so I could read even just a verse or two before heading out. I didn’t even take my shoes off (which is a big no-no for Finns) and randomly opened my Bible and started reading from the top of the left page. I had to only read 5 words (in Finnish) before I was filled with awe of God and empowered for the busy day ahead. [Try it yourself. Read a few verses and know that you are loved by God.]

Okay, you say. What five words did I read? They were from Psalm 138, verse 7. ‘You give me the strength to live’. God gives us the power to thrive. That’s grace at work in our lives. I was filled with the Holy Spirit and wrapped in sweet grace. Also, I knew without a doubt that I’d have enough strength to deal with anything the day would bring.

Empowered Living

In English translations the sentence is translated either ‘you will revive me’ or ‘you will preserve me’. God does revive us by giving us his strength, his grace. This verse reminded me of God’s care for us. We are loved and cherished by God. He has promised to provide everything we need to get through our days. We just need to believe, empowered living is God’s gift to his children.

Before heading out the door once more, I read through the whole psalm 138, finding also verse three very encouraging.

On the day I called, You answered me;
And You made me bold and confident with [renewed] strength in my life. (Psalm 138:3, AMP)

In the midst of our everyday hassles, it’s easy to forget that everything is not on our shoulders. It’s not about our strength, it’s about God’s strength. We are children of God and he makes us bold and confident with renewed strength to live. Think about it. You are loved by God and your strength will be renewed every morning. Something to celebrate. Always and forever.


Gracious God,
You are so good to us.
Forgive us for forgetting you from time to time.
Thank you for loving and sustaining us.
Empower us to love and serve you all of our days.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Does God give you the strength to carry on? How do you get it?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you embrace God’s word as the source for the empowered living!

*[As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses toBiblegateway.com so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.].

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash. Linking up today with Dance with JesusFive-minute Friday

2 thoughts on “Empowered Living

  1. I love the Psalms.
    I enjoyed your “Try it yourself. Read a few verses and know that you are loved by God.” Sometimes, I just need to be reminded of that.
    Thank you for sharing your “oops, I forgot” moment. Makes my own a little less regretful.

    1. Glad this made you feel good about yourself! We are all imperfect and that is totally okay. God loves us nonetheless. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I appreciate it. I love Psalms too – there’s always something good waiting for me. Have a blessed weekend!

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