We Are Not Robots
We need rest because we are not robots. Hence we all need a vacation, some time off. But this does not mean we need to necessarily go anywhere. The key to vacation is to take a leave of absence from routines. Staycation might be even more restful if we are able to break the routines while staying at home.
We are not robots, we have a spirit, a soul, and a body. And all these different parts of us need to be renewed. That’s why we are to have a Sabbath once a week and a longer period of time off each year. Some people call people lazy to take vacations but I call it deep wisdom. When we vacate our life of routines, we have a better chance to hear what our heavenly Father has for each of us. And that, my friend, gives us the best boost and invigoration possible.
God, teach me lessons for living
so I can stay the course.
Give me insight so I can do what you tell me—
my whole life one long, obedient response.
Guide me down the road of your commandments;
I love traveling this freeway!
Give me a bent for your words of wisdom,
and not for piling up loot.
Divert my eyes from toys and trinkets,
invigorate me on the pilgrim way.
Affirm your promises to me—
promises made to all who fear you.
Deflect the harsh words of my critics—
but what you say is always so good.
See how hungry I am for your counsel;
preserve my life through your righteous ways!
(Ps. 119:33-40, MSG,*)
We are not robots
God did not create us robots and he is not expecting us to work ourselves to the ground. Also, rest and recreation are not sinful. God does not expect us to be dull and dreary. He is giving us life upon life, joy upon joy. So we are to be joyful! Have fun with our friends and families.
So it is time to stop and smell the roses. It is time to act like we are not robots, it’s time to be a human and take care of ourselves. And it’s time to remember our Creator. He can help us to turn our eyes from worthless, meaningless things that distract us from our heavenly Father. It’s time to rest in God and let him restore and renew our spirit, soul, and body.
Gracious God,
Thank you for not making us robots.
Help us to treat ourselves as your precious children.
Show us how to have a rest-filled vacation wherever we are.
Renew, restore, re-energize us.
Be praised forever and ever!
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Are you able to break from routines this year? What’s your favorite way to relax?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you enjoy God’s blessings in your life!
*[As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses toBiblegateway.com so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.].
Photo by Ostap Senyuk on Unsplash. Linking up today with Dance with Jesus, Five-minute Friday.
4 thoughts on “We Are Not Robots”
Mari-Anna, I was blessed to be your neighbor this morning as we leave in the morning for a week away. So much of this post has been my prayer for days now and so I thank you for blessing me this morning with your thoughts and prayers!
How wonderful to hear this blessed you. Thank you, Joanne. Have a blessed, joy-filled, and invigorating vacation!
Yes, this is so true! Vacation begins with the mindset…thanks for the reminder!
Well said, Katha. Thanks for commenting. Blessings to you!