Claim the Calm

Claim the Calm

Claim the calm - flowingfaith.comIs it easy for you to keep calm in every situation you face? There have been a lot of fun “keep calm” posters, keep calm and do this or that. They are fun to look at. But the thing is: there is no way anyone can truly keep calm without inner peace. And that’s not a thing you can force upon yourself. Or anyone else for that matter. What to do then? How can we find that peace and claim the calm?

Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] (John 14:27, AMP)

How to have peace

The only way we can find everlasting peace is to be reconciled with Jesus. Because Jesus rose from the dead, we can have peace. In his commentary, Matthew Henry writes “When Christ was about to leave the world he made his will. His soul he committed to his Father; his body he bequeathed to Joseph, to be decently interred; his clothes fell to the soldiers; his mother he left to the care of John: but what should he leave to his poor disciples, that had left all for him? Silver and gold he had none; but he left them that which was infinitely better, his peace.”

And this same peace of God is available for anyone who wants to reconcile with him through Christ. A peace of mind arises from the sense of our justification before God. Then when we are right with God, also we will have peace everlasting. I think it is the best thing in this world. Especially now as the world seems to be getting crazier all the time. How then can we claim the calm in the midst of our everyday chaos?

How to claim the calm

Jesus gave us his peace in his will. It is ours to be claimed. And not just on special occasions but every single day of our lives. We are to live under the influence of his peace. And we can have inner peace and complete tranquility even in the midst of hardships. Because the peace Jesus gives is divine peace. We are entitled to the peace which he gives, that’s why we ought not to yield to overwhelming griefs and fears. Hence, just open your heart to receive God’s peace. Claim the calm and live in it. Let God’s perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge you face.


Gracious God,
Thank you for sending us the Prince of Peace
who left his peace for us.
Remind us to claim the calm
in the midst of everyday chaos.
Show us what it is to live in your peace.
In Jesus’ precious name,

Q4U: Do you claim the calm daily?

Be blessed my fellow pilgrim as you claim the calm God gave you!

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash. I am linking up with Unite the Bloggersphere and #tellhisstory.

2 thoughts on “Claim the Calm

  1. I love how you’ve made me see that peace and calm are a gift, extended to me by God, and available if I will only reach out for them and receive.
    Blessings to you, friend!

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