Readiness to Serve
Are you worried that you could mess up God’s plans? Do you think you are letting God down by not being effective and productive enough? I have good news for you. There’s no way you could ever mess up God Almighty’s plans. God knows you and – yet – he loves you very much. He knows how much rest you need and what is happening in your life. You can rest assured you’re not able to wreck God’s plans for you or his kingdom. You know, God is more powerful than you. And because God’s plan is not a life without hassles or hardships. It’s a life lived with God. And life is messy. God knows that. He will supply you everything you need to follow and serve him.
But God, being [so very] rich in mercy, because of His great and wonderful love with which He loved us, even when we were [spiritually] dead and separated from Him because of our sins, He made us [spiritually] alive together with Christ (for by His grace—His undeserved favor and mercy—you have been saved from God’s judgment). (Eph. 2:4-5, AMP)
Readiness to serve
Sure, it might sound odd that God Almighty is happy with ordinary people. But that’s the truth here. God loves ordinary people with ordinary problems, fears and questions. You see, God is not calling perfect people, he is calling imperfect people who are willing to follow his lead. Readiness to serve leads to extraordinary things. God will make us what we need to be to serve him. It’s God in us, not us, producing fruit.
We are called to trust God so completely that we are ready to place ourselves in situations that are so completely over our heads that there is no way that we could make anything happen without God. It feels terrible to be in that situation. Without God, we’d be making total fools out of ourselves. But with God, amazing things happen. When we are ready to follow even when we don’t understand, we are truly trusting God. That’s readiness to serve for you.
Gracious God,
Thank you that I am not able to wreck your plans.
Be praised that you are more powerful than I can imagine.
I do want to serve you, show me how what and when.
Use me for your glory.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Are you (or have you been) afraid of messing up God’s plans for you? Do you have the readiness to serve?
Be blessed my fellow pilgrim as you dare to love and serve the Lord with everything you’ve got.
Photo by Pete Bellis on Unsplash, design by Mari-Anna Stålnacke. I am linking up with Unite the Bloggersphere and #tellhisstory.
6 thoughts on “Readiness to Serve”
In all my heart I believe when God’s perfect plan is not followed (I have personal experience in this) He redeems the situation and puts plan B immediately in action! I think it’s in the messing up or wrecking that our 2 Corinthians 1.3-4 ministry and message is birthed. Great post! Visiting from Jennifer Dukes Lee today.
Hello Susan! Thanks for visiting and sharing! Yes, God creates an awesome MESSage out of our mess. Have a blessed week!
What beautiful encouragement that we don’t mess up God’s plans. So freeing to know that He’ll use us as long as we’re ready to serve.
It really is freeing! It’s grace! Thanks so much, Betsy! Abundant blessings to you!
Yes, It’s God in us producing fruit, not ourselves. Love the watermelon purse photo!
Me too! And isn’t it wonderful to know God is at work in us. Thanks, Sarah! Have a wonder-filled week!