God Has Got Your Back

God Has Got Your Back

God has got your backAs part of my morning devotions today, I was reading Isaiah 49 and loved reading how God will never ever forget us. The text said that even if our mother would forget us, he will not forsake us. You see, God has engraved each of us on the palms of his hands. That’s pretty special. There’s nothing that can separate us from God’s love. You can’t beat that. But it was much later than I realized how special it was to read this today as we fast approach Mother’s Day once again. There are a lot of motherless children around, you might even be one. Or this time of year might stir up other relational pain. Just know God has got your back.

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
    and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
    I will not forget you!
 See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;
    your walls are ever before me.
(Isaiah 49:15-16, NIV,*)

God has got your backGod Has Got Your back

Even if your mom or dad forgets you, God has got your back. And even if your heart is breaking that you are separated from you children or you have never had any, God has got your back. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Gently, God will get you through tough days. He will never forget you. God knows you by your name, he has engraved you on the palms of his hands. He is waiting for you with open arms. You are special in God’s eyes.

You have purpose and meaning that have nothing to do with your relationship status or how a close bond you have with your relatives. God has got your back. You are whole in him. Nothing will make you whole but Jesus. Not children, hot husband, not mother, no one but Jesus. But his grace is life-changing. Hang on to Jesus and see how he works in and through you. There are better times ahead. Because you are loved by the everlasting God.


Gracious God,
Thank you for being the reason for our worth,
thank you for creating and loving us equally.
Pour out your grace to comfort whoever is hurting.
You know what it is to have your heart broken.
Heal what needs to be healed,
restore what needs to be restored.
Thank you for having our backs, Lord.
Pour our love upon love, hope upon hope.
In Jesus’ precious name,

Q4U: Does it comfort you to know God has got your back?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you celebrate God’s life-giving presence in your life!

* [As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses toBiblegateway.com so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.].

Image courtesy of Steve Halama via unsplash.com, design by Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Dance with Jesus, Five-minute Friday.

6 thoughts on “God Has Got Your Back

  1. Mari-Anna, I love this verse. It’s been a comfort to me. I am so glad I read it again today here on your blog. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Pingback: god has our backs

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