How to Hold onto God’s Goodness
It was wonderful to soak in God’s goodness during the celebration of Christ’s birth, wasn’t it? But what now? How are we to go about our lives with this knowledge? How can we bring the joy of the Lord into our everyday lives? That’s the question, isn’t it? How can we hold onto God’s goodness as the festivities end?
Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,
who walk in the light of your presence, Lord.
They rejoice in your name all day long;
they celebrate your righteousness.
For you are their glory and strength,
and by your favor you exalt our horn.
(Psalm 89:15-17, NIV)
Blessed are those who live in God’s presence
Those people, who know how to hold onto God’s goodness, are blessed. They’ve learned to live in the light of God’s presence. Hence they somehow receive God’s goodness in full measure every day of their lives. Isn’t this something you want too? Do you want to have? And to hold onto God’s goodness and to receive every gift of God and put them in use in your life? If this is you, read on. I have good news for you.
How to hold onto God’s goodness every day of your life
The key ingredient of embracing God’s goodness is God. It all starts with him and ends with him. You see, God is the Light of our life. Not us. If we keep on focusing on us, we will never be as happy as we can be. The answers are not within us, they are found in Jesus.
God is ready to pour out goodness upon goodness, we just need to be ready to receive. We just need to open our hearts and minds to his presence. To start your day right, learn to do it the first thing in the morning. Then teach your heart and mind to stay open to God’s presence throughout the day.
How to walk in the Light of God’s presence
We are not just called to bask in God’s love. Of course, we need that too. Sometimes that’s all we are called to do, there’s time for everything. But we are not to spend all our lives just sitting in God’s presence. As the psalm 89 suggests, we are called to walk in the Light of God’s presence. We have things to do and places to go. All in the Light of God’s presence. And that makes all the difference. God makes all the difference.
When we walk, when we live in the Light of God’s presence listening to him, everything gets a new meaning. Suddenly we have everything we need because we have God with us. We have his strength, his joy, his wisdom, his love, his peace. His everything. That’s what it is to receive Jesus in full measure. Every day. Every hour.
Gracious God,
You truly are all the time with us.
Show us how to recognise your presence.
Help us to always stay open to you.
Walk with us, live with us.
Fill us with your presence.
We want to receive you in full measure.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Do you know how to receive Jesus in full measure?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you walk in the Light of God’s presence!
Image courtesy of Mari-Anna Stålnacke. I am linking up with Unite the Bloggersphere and #tellhisstory.
2 thoughts on “How to Hold onto God’s Goodness”
Just thinking this morning of how it’s such a “both thing”. Not just us…but Him too. And not just Him but us…cooperating with Him. Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest…is the scripture I was thinking upon. It hit me that He is able to give us rest but we must come and want it and be willing to receive it. May we grow in our cooperation with Christ…Thank you…linked up with you at Tell His Story…
Yes, it is cooperation. Yet it’s always God first inviting us, igniting within us a desire to know Him deeper. Thank you, Amy. God bless you richly!