Living in the Realm of the Spirit
Today I’ve been inspired by Lance Wallnau’s quote. “Remember that you are not practicing a sterile system of principles, but following a dynamic person who makes Himself real to you through His indwelling Holy Spirit.” I could not agree more. You know, religion does not save you. But Jesus does. The real question is: do you live in the realm of the Spirit or not?
You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. (Romans 8:9, NIV)
Living in the Realm of the Spirit
Faith is about following a dynamic person, Jesus Christ, who makes himself real to you through his indwelling Holy Spirit. If you live in the realm of the Holy Spirit, you belong to Christ. If the Spirit of God lives in you, he directs and guides you every day of your life.
If Christ lives in you, though your [natural] body is dead because of sin, your spirit is alive because of righteousness [which He provides]. (Romans 8:10, AMP)
What is the most amazing thing about being a child of Living God? Your spirit is alive – and will always be alive – because of righteousness which Jesus provides. Talk about amazing grace and astonishing love of God.
Following Jesus Christ
We truly are not practicing a sterile religious system of principles, but following a dynamic person, Jesus Christ, who makes us truly alive. Not just once but over and over again. All the time and every day. Because that’s what living in the realm of the Spirit is all about. The Spirit of God lives in us. And that changes everything. For the better.
Gracious God,
Thank you for sending Jesus to save us.
Thank you for providing us Jesus’ righteousness.
Thank you for making us alive in Jesus.
You are more than we can ever understand
but we are truly grateful for your love and grace.
Thank you for making yourself real to us
through your indwelling Spirit.
We love you, we need you, we praise you.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Do you live in the realm of the Spirit? What does it mean to you?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you revel in God’s astonishing love and rejoice in the Holy Spirit!
Image courtesy of Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up with Unite the Bloggersphere and#tellhisstory.