Surprised by God
Does God surprise you often? I do get surprised. Time after time. I already expect to be surprised by God. Because I know God is wild and is not tied down to physical realities. Sure, God is faithful and does what he has promised. But his methods are surprising and timing is secret, so we can count on being surprised by God. He is not limited to what is possible. He will do what he wants. And for that I praise him. How wonderful to know my future is not planned by me but by God Almighty who wants only best for me.
My plans aren’t your plans,
nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.
Just as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my plans than your plans.
(Isaiah 55:8-9; CEB,*)
Often you hear people saying prayer should have two elements: talking and listening. And that’s so true. We can’t do all the talking, we need to let God tell us what’s on his heart too. But I would add a third essential element to prayer: waiting. We can’t predict how long it will take God to answer us. Sometimes we hear yes or no very quickly. But most of the time we need to wait. That’s why God’s people need to know waiting is part of praying so we would not be disappointed when nothing happens right away. We will be surprised by God at the right time. But when and how is up to God.
How do you feel about being surprised by God again and again? I love it. I just try to stay open to recognize all the little surprises along the way. I love that our God is a living God who is active in our lives. I love that our God is way bigger than our plans and possibilities. I love that God is not just interested in the big picture but he cares about little details in our lives too.
Being surprised by God is wonderful. It is an instant way to feel God’s loving care in our lives. The more leeway we give to God in our lives, the more often we are surprised by God. I try to be more and more open for God’s moving in my life. How about you? Do you want to be surprised by God?
Gracious God,
Thank you for being in control of everything.
Thank you for wanting to guide us
and surprise us according to your plan for us.
Enable us to stay open for you leading
and recognize your involvement in our lives.
May your will happen in and through our lives.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Do you like to be surprised by God? Why/why not?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you let God guide you according to his plan for you!
* [As you might have noticed, I enjoy reading the Bible in different translations and love comparing them. I have started linking the Bible verses to so you can easily read (and compare) them in the different versions I’ve used while preparing each post.].
Image courtesy and design by Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Dance with Jesus, Faith-filled Fridays, Five Minute Friday.
4 thoughts on “Surprised by God”
Love your post. I have written about something similar for FMF this week. I love the waiting. Helen {A FMF friend…}
That’s great to hear, Helen. Thank you. Abundant blessings to you.
P.S: I will stop by your place soon.
I’m surprised by Him every single day. Loved your words today. I joined FMF too today.
Wonderful! Thanks so much, Deborah! May God surprise you sweetly!