Love Jesus More
Getting ready for Christmas is not about finishing your shopping lists. It’s not about cleaning your house or preparing scrumptious meals. It’s not about getting the Christmas cards out on time. It’s not about trimming your tree beautifully or decorating your house festively. It’s entirely something else. All these other things can be fun but the one thing that really makes or breaks our Christmas is our heart condition: Do we love Jesus more than anything?
Jesus: Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these other things? (John 21:15, VOICE)
Just like Jesus asked Simon Peter he is asking us today: do we love Jesus more than anything? More than a glamorous Christmas? More than our family? More than our selfish motives? More than our favorite hobby or toy? More than anything or anyone?
This advent season is not meant just to be filled with activities – no matter how fun they are – but it is meant for self-reflection.
Do I have room for Jesus in my life and in my heart?
Do I love Jesus more than anything else?
Do I welcome Jesus to overtake my life or not?
Only when we allow Jesus to be our Savior and our Lord, we can have a merry Christmas. Nothing else will not make our holiday truly joyous. Anything else is faking it. And that will not do.
I want the real deal.
I want Jesus.
Nothing but Jesus.
Gracious God,
Prepare my heart for Christmas joy.
Show me what needs to go,
what needs to be replaced.
Make room in my heart for Jesus.
Make room in my life for Jesus.
Be my king, my savior, my lord.
In Jesus’ name,
Q4U: Do you love Jesus more than anything else?
Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you prepare your heart for Christmas joy!
Image courtesy of Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Sharing His Beauty, Small Wonders, and #WordswithWinter.
2 thoughts on “Love Jesus More”
Thank you for shining a light on the Truth 🙂 The past couple of years have been very minimalistic for us due to moving the week before Christmas and a number of other crazy life things! It has been great in a way as we haven’t been able to decorate or buy big gifts and it has placed our hearts on Jesus as the real reason for the season!
Good for you, Sarah! It might not have felt wonderful at the time but it has certainly helped you to see what’s essential in the Christmas season! Thanks so much for sharing! Bountiful Blessings to you and yours!