WhatsApp with God

WhatsApp with God

WhatsApp with GodWhatsApp seems to be the way to instant message these days. It’s a fast and easy way to keep the communication lines open with your inner circles. What about God? Is he in your inner circle of communication?

Do you WhatsApp with God? Do you open God’s WhatsApp messages to you? Or do you ignore them? Is God your first go to person whenever you want to share something? Or has someone replaced him in your life?

Smart phones and their appications are blessings in many ways.  We can communicate fast and easy. But they can also alienate us further from God. We get so busy and connected with everyone and everything that there’s absolutely no time, no room left for God in our lives.

Seek the Lord while he may be found;
    call on him while he is near.
(Isaiah 55:6, NIV)

It is time to take a pause and create time to WhatsApp with God. The intimacy with you and God can be something beautiful and very blessed. Think about talking with God, messaging with God as your first choice. That could change everything in your life.

Give God a priority status in your life. At least, please, do not block God’s messages. God has lot of wisdom and lot of guidance for you. God has an amazing heart just for you. He loves to listen you to tell about your day and what’s going on in your life.

Messaging with God is even easier than using WhatsApp; you don’t even need to type, you can just whisper what’s on your heart and you can be certain God hears you. And don’t forget to listen to God. He has your best interest on his heart. From everlasting to everlasting.


Gracious God,
Forgive my busyness,
my selfishness.
Show me
how to create an intimate relationship with you.
Show me
how to be in constant connection with you.
Because I do know
you’re the best.
Come and change anything and everything
that needs to be changed.
Come and make your home in my heart.
In Jesus’ name,

Q4U: Do you WhatsApp with God?

Be blessed, my fellow pilgrim, as you give God a favorite status in your life!

Image courtesy of Aaron Burden/creationswap.com, design by Mari-Anna Stålnacke. Linking up today with Looking up, Sharing His Beauty, Small Wonders.

7 thoughts on “WhatsApp with God

  1. This flows perfectly with my quiet time thoughts this morning, Mari-Anna. I am reading in Matthew 23:16-19 about the many ways the Pharisees tried to create their own religion apart from God. And I realize that very often I make decisions based upon logic, rather than staying in constant communion with God and asking Him, “What’s app?” 😉 I want to learn to ask for His guidance even when the way seems logical or right. He has the final say! Thanks for this great reminder, my friend, and for visiting at my place as well.

    1. Good to hear, Beth! I agree, we should not worship the logic but God! And that’s my desire too: to continually live in the presence of God, to have an on-going conversation with Him. Blessings to you on your faith journey, friend!

  2. We recently got new phones with internet access (thankfully only at home), but it’s certainly become a temptation to be on them too much. I’m hoping to ween back and enjoy a little more of the world around me and the One who is always present everywhere in it.

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